Feeling extremely guilty and sad


Registered User
Jul 14, 2021
Hi everyone. My husband who’s had Alzheimer’s for approximately 5 years is now in a nursing home For the past five weeks. He is very unsettled and angry with me and the family. He pushes us away when we visit and looks at us with what only be called total disdain
We now feel we can’t visit because it’s upsetting for him and for ourselves. The care home staff said he‘S agitated and upset for quite some period after our visits
It’s extremely upsetting and I feel so guilty and sad. Very tearful every day and wishing now I could have kept him at home I’m sure I’m not alone with those feelings and would like to hear from anyone who’s had or is having the same experience.
I was hoping that perhaps changing his medication might help to settle him. He’s currently on Lorazapam 1 mg nightly. I look forward to hearing from anyone who maybe can offer some hope and advice. Thank you. Bridget


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
I have had these feelings too. I did hear a carer at my PWD Care Home once blame the residents visitors for tiring them out.

If you have concerns about his medication I would refer to a specialist doctor.

My PWD was on Lorazapam (0.5mg) only when required a couple of times a month.


Registered User
Jul 14, 2021
Thank you Ray for your reply. We’re ac waiting for him to be assessed by the MENTAL HEALTH TEAM and hopefully his medication will be looked at and changed if deemed appropriate.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
You are welcome. I would try and keep in regular contact with the MHT as they can be very busy and have many cases on the go at any one time.