Falls Book


Registered User
Nov 19, 2004
West Midlands
Oxford University Press publishers currently have a 70% off Summer Sale on various books

I came across a book about Falls ('Falls: The Facts' by Adam Darowski) in the Medical books section,
that is a very good price - £2.74 reduced from £10.99


"An informative practical guide on how falls occur, how to recover from them, and how they can be prevented

Includes Key Points boxes at the start of each chapter to quickly summarise important concepts covered in the text
Case Histories and Patient Perspectives provide practical examples throughout

Myth versus Fact boxes highlight common misunderstandings and interesting facts about the condition

Includes an invaluable resource section with further contacts and support groups

Many people see falling as an inevitable part of growing older, and falls can result in serious injuries. As we age, deterioration in our ability to maintain balance, underlying illnesses, or disabilities can result in falls. Currently, one in eight patients in hospital are admitted due to a fall, and 50% of people over 80 years old fall every year.
It is almost always possible to minimize the chances of falling, and to make our personal environment safer for when falls do occur. This book covers all aspects of falls, explaining why they happen, the common consequences, and what can be done to prevent them. It is intended for patients and their families, but will also be of value for health professionals at all levels.

Falls: The Facts is an informative and practical guide, containing advice on what to do and how to cope when falls occur. It includes personal accounts of patients and their relatives to illustrate true experiences, and the positive outcomes that treatment can produce.

Readership: This book is for people who suffer a fall and their families, carers, general practitioners, nurses, and associated health professionals."


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Hello Nessa , Thanks for sharing this with us :) sounds a good book & great price :D :D ! ! !

My Dad has mild / moderate Dementia & fingers crossed he is not at the "Falls Stage " just yet but think will try & order a Copy ! !

A few years ago my Local Hospital had a "Falls Stand " this was in the main Foyer & expert Staff were there to give Advice etc & leaflets to take away . The idea was to reduce the risks of falls to older People either at Home or in C / N Home :)

Thought it was a GOOD IDEA :)

Best Wishes Love Grove x x


Registered User
Nov 19, 2004
West Midlands
Hi Grove

Yes, I thought it might be a useful preventative book to read

There's loads of really good books in that sale including quite a few medical ones

Falls seem to occur far too often to older people

Even teaching people how to land in a way that will cause the least harm
might be a good idea

Or even a personal airbag that inflates automatically to cushion the fall
- I wonder if such a thing could be created?
Last edited:


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Hello Nessa , The other day tried to Order the Book on line all good :) & then :eek: could NOT put screat number in ( the number on back of your Bank Card ) tried all different ways & then got very :mad::mad: & :( ! !

Am going to phone the Help line to day , here's hoping they are not sold out ! !

Hope you are ok & enjoy your day

Will report back on what the help line says

Love Grove x x


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Hello Nessa , After a lot of :eek:& :confused:on my part had a lot of :):):):) as got to the end of ordering :D:D Thankfully !!

Will report back after reading the Book ! !

Love Grove x x


Registered User
Jul 27, 2010
Rural North Northumberland
Hi Nessa456, Thanks for putting the information on here about this book. I received my copy yesterday. I've managed to read the first three chapters and it seems very easy to read and understand. I feel the more knowledge I can gain the better for looking after my elderly in-laws.

Chris Edgerton

Registered User
Oct 22, 2003
Warwick District

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