Elderly frail father with Alzheimer's disease.


New member
Jun 19, 2021
Don't know if I'm in the right place, my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2019 in the April. He was brain scanned in the February but we already knew that something was going on. 2019 was a good year after the difficulties of June/July 2018 when my father went into hospital via A&E and had his hip replacement operation the following day after he was x rayed.

Fast forward to the 27th of January 2020 and he starts becoming violent and aggressive, coming into my bedroom and waving his walking stick around at 5.30 am, being very sporadically aggressive interspersed with being very nice, also his meanness to mum and saying nasty and unpleasant things towards her. In the February 2020 we had a bad run with his behaviour, the Psychiatrist changes his meds from Donepezil to Memantine and when that did not work to Risperidone, something that I delayed in giving him because of the higher risk of stroke. At the end of June my father started to wander and I caught him leaving the premises, but he would not allow me to bring him back so I called the Police. In the July one evening when we had all gone to bed, he tried to whack me across the head with his walking stick, I ducked. And he hit the central heating dial off the wall. This sort of behaviour carried on intermittently through to the end of the year when in September there was a bad bout of Sundowning, and also in the December when he got outside and we heard him shouting for help because he had fell over. We were going to place him into respite care after Xmas, but I cancelled it and we kept him going until the 17th of May this year when I relented and placed him into a local care home to give mum and myself a break and a rest. I could have had him sectioned with the social worker but I chose respite, a mistake in my book in hindsight. Because then any future care would have been paid for.

So it's been 16 months of hell and more to come I expect and the financial assessment in which I have had the phone call and gave financial information, we have a meeting with the local mental health team, the social worker and the manager of the care home on the 1st of July. My mother and myself are thinking if we could have carers in to help out, my father is taking Circadin in the care home at the moment to encourage sleep because he is restless at night. He was on Lorazepam in the care home but was taken off it. So that's it. I suffer with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, so I'm impaired as well, my elderly mother suffers with unstable angina.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hi @catharguy welcome to DTP

Do you think you and your mum would be able to cope if your father returned home? My dad was always desperate to have mum home but was unable to care for her and the last 18 months of mum's life were a roundabout of carehome - home - hospital repeat. My mum didn't have the added complication of being aggressive either which much be extremely challenging for you both to deal with.

I believe care is sometimes paid for if behaviours are extreme enough that the patient qualifies for CHC - it might be worth looking into this. The carehome should know how to go about it. It's very difficult to get though.


Registered User
Oct 27, 2016
Frankly, your father should have 24/7 supervision which inevitably means a care home. There comes a point where the person with dementia's needs become so great that they outweigh what they or family members want to happen . In my opinion you have now reached that point .

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