Early onset groups for under 60s


New member
Nov 1, 2022

I’m reaching out to this forum for some help. My farther in law is 59 years old and has been diagnosed with early honest dementia. Over the past year we have seen his dementia decline. We would like to help him as a family and take him to groups to stimulate his mind however, as he is still working.
All the groups we have seen advertised are for the older generation and this is something he does not wish to attend or during the week which he can’t attend because of work.

Does anyone know of any groups in the evening / weekend in east Kent or on the weekend? Or any online groups that he could attend ?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Snarey21 Welcome.

It`s sad enough your father has dementia at such a young age and what makes it worse is the lack of social provision for younger people with dementia.

Groups during evenings and weekends will be even more difficult to find probably because of staffing difficulties.

There may be something suitable in this link but it may take a few phone calls to find out.



Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Men in sheds?
is he passed doing an evening class is something creative- maybe painting or pottery or similar?