Community groups


Registered User
May 17, 2022
My OH is still remaining at work but this is coming to an end soon has its getting to much for him to remain but the hospital where he attends regularly keeps on about going to groups to meet others in the similar conditions before he finishes work because they concerned he will get worse - this he states will be difficult with his memory and his communication difficulties - he is not sure if its a good idea or not - meet up for chats /puzzles/ art - any other got experience of this


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
@mikeb2 , I think community dementia groups are a good idea. It will give your OH people to talk to and socialise with. The games, puzzles and craft activities that may be available will keep his mind as active as possible.

He needn't worry about communication and memory issues as others in the group will be experiencing similar.

My OH and I go to memory games morning, coffees clubs and singing, none of which would have appealed pre dementia. We have made friends with two other couples and we go out together for meals and musical events.

Old friends drop away as dementia takes hold and you have less in common . At the groups you will make new friends and they will be a good support network.

Please ,give them a try.