Driving level support


Registered User
Oct 5, 2015
My husband has deminca not recognised as yet . He had a very bad day with confusion and and thought he saw people who weren't there . This is the first time ever. He had to attended the doctors for a B12 injection. Got dizzy when there they found he had high boots and and tepid heart beat so called 999 . We spent the day in hospital he had lots of tests and a brain scan which showed an old brain bled it it needed no attention so we came home . Once home he decided he wanted something from the shop but failed to retire home. It seems he thought he was supposed to be at a family celebration but forgot where . A kind man drove him around the local pubs but of course there was no such celebration . One of the pubs looked after him and called the police because they thought him a missing person. In the meantime it so sorry this is rambling but I wanted to show the background of my question my children had phoned around and found out where he was andbrought him home .later the police arrived after a few questions almost ignored my husband asked for his driving license and said they would get it stoped . I refused and said it had to be his decision after they left they told my son they didn't need anyone's permission and can demand he never drives again he said he'd return later this week to fill in voluntary surendery this he won't agre to . My question is as he has had on medical assessment as yet but the hospital has requested a referral to a memory testing as to what stage he is at and drives well as this is also the only time he acting so strange and is back to normal for him can that officer just take his driving license without a proper medical report


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I’m sorry to hear about your problems @Fmarg. Is your husband in the process of being assessed for a dementia diagnosis?

This may be of interest -



Registered User
Oct 5, 2015
I have seen all the information on the web the hospital request our surgery arranges a memory test for him apparently that could take some time to arrange but he had never been properly assesyed and has no idea he's got any problems outher than old age memory loss . I reall need to know if what that police told my son out. Of my hearing is correct or can I insist it waits till a doctor says he must not drive


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I’m sure others will be along to share their experiences. I’m the meantime you might find it helpful to contact the support line and ask for advice there -



Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
The police re NOT suspending his driving licence- they are advising that he gives it up - and with good reason.

Wait until he's been tested, see where the land lays and then appeal.

thing is, he could go out in the car , forget something daft/do somthing dangerous and 'wham' someone is injured or worse still killed.
Imagine if he ws confused and didnt see somene on a crossing, or ddnt notice that the car in front stopped.
Really it isnt worth the risk You recognise he has a problem, please encourage him to do the sensible thing

Wil he take more notice of a Dr Than a police officer?
Very fine line between 'old age memory loss' and dementia.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2015
I agree with all you say and I won't be letting him drive my question is that officer was nor requesting his licence he was demanding it I want to know can he do that without any medical opian as he is conning back next week to collect it


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
Please don't let him drive. How would you feel if he had an accident and hurt himself or someone else?

If you or he thinks he is still capable he can do a driving assessment - contact the DVLA, tell them about recent events and see what they say. Often the doctor will inform the DVLA and you certainly need to take note of the insurance implications.

I hope common sense will prevail.


Registered User
Aug 18, 2022
My husband has just been told he cannot drive anymore, as a result of the doctor’s report. But the DVLA letter does not ask for his licence to be sent back or surrendered.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
I have a recollection of seeing a law change such that the police can remove the licence from a driver they don't deem competent. It came about following various deaths caused by drivers with dementia.

I'm not sure if it happened or was proposed.

Either way, if your husband got lost like that he is unlikely to be safe to drive.

I wasn't really aware of what dementia was, when my mum had a crisis, getting lost whilst driving, she nearly drove the wrong way down a dual carriageway, and was 100 miles from where she should have been. I removed her keys and didn't let her drive again.

With hindsight she hadn't been safe to drive for about 12 months, and had had clear dementia symptoms for about 3 years.

I had nightmares for weeks that my mum could have killed my child she had been transporting around 3 months previously (she lived 200 miles away so I only saw her at intervals)