Donepezil and drinking


Registered User
Mar 17, 2005
South West
Tony- you are a very lucky man. I agree that diagnosis is a bit like 'roulette'. My husband was diagnosed following MRI Brain which showed no significant changes. Then, it was suggested he might qualify for a Clinical Trial, and he had PET scan which showed SOME symptoms that MIGHT be Alzheimers type. He is now on a clinical trial for Alzheimers,- which is not helping him at all. Though I should not say it, I feel that the diagnosis of Alzheimers was a touch convenient at the time....... His symptoms are more like Vascular Dementia- and this is also suspected by our GP. He is also on Aricept - and he takes the odd drink. I feel that if he wants a drink ( never overdoes it)- then he should have one.
His short term memory is appalling- but we keep doing what we can. He went on a long cycle over Easter, and managed just fine- was skiing at Christmas with the Family( that took a lot of persuading- but sticking to easy slopes it was grand) etc. V dependant on me, but Im planning a holiday in Greece in May, sailing with friends, which he is looking forward to. There will be issues - he cannot help at all, and will be a nightmare using toilet, but I am determined that we shall manage, and our friends will help to supervise him.

It great news your Husband is doing so well with all his exciting actives and holidays I have been on Aricept since 1999 when it was still on trial in UK however I never drank alcohol best to stay Positive

I will message you with some other info