Does anyone else feel angry all the time


New member
May 10, 2023
Since my diagnosis I’ve really struggled with feeling so angry. Does anyone else feel like this. I always used to be so passive more lover than fighter lol. But recently I’ve become so angry with everything. Is that just me

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I`m not surprised you feel angry @Andymoggie. You`ve had a devastating diagnosis which has ripped your life apart.

Dementia, as far as I know, is one serious illness no one can think is self inflicted or preventable and a diagnosis hits hard.

I can only sympathise with everything I have.

My husband was older than you when he was diagnosed but all our plans for retirement flew out of the window and it`s even worse for younger people who may not even have reached retirement age.

I hope in time the anger eases. It wastes precious energy. If it helps it might be worthwhile but it never helps.

I hope you will feel among people here who understand even if they can`t make it right.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
I can only agree with Grannie G @Andymoggie

I was angry when my mum was diagnosed and angry when my dad was diagnosed just as we’d started to rebuild a different life after my mum’s death. I wonder if anger is a reaction to worry and fear? I’m pretty sure it is with me.

Try to find the good in everyday. We had many good times in-spite of the dementia and no-one knows what the future holds.


New member
May 10, 2023
I`m not surprised you feel angry @Andymoggie. You`ve had a devastating diagnosis which has ripped your life apart.

Dementia, as far as I know, is one serious illness no one can think is self inflicted or preventable and a diagnosis hits hard.

I can only sympathise with everything I have.

My husband was older than you when he was diagnosed but all our plans for retirement flew out of the window and it`s even worse for younger people who may not even have reached retirement age.

I hope in time the anger eases. It wastes precious energy. If it helps it might be worthwhile but it never helps.

I hope you will feel among people here who understand even if they can`t make it right.
Thank you. I’m so glad it’s not just me.
I’m so glad I’ve found this group. There is limited help locally

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Thank you. I’m so glad it’s not just me.

It never will be just you @Andymoggie. I`m glad you found Dementia Talking Point too and hope you get lots of support.

It`s a pity there isn`t much help locally. Have you seen this link?

and this;



Registered User
Oct 21, 2019
Since my diagnosis I’ve really struggled with feeling so angry. Does anyone else feel like this. I always used to be so passive more lover than fighter lol. But recently I’ve become so angry with everything. Is that just me
I’m sure that like me, everyone has felt a huge wave of sympathy for you.

Counselling is an excellent idea, but also don’t dismiss medication. Consider talking to the doctor, they may have ideas for something to help.


New member
Jul 18, 2023
My mum was diagnosed in 2019, she was 54. She had to move into a care home this year which was a relief at the time because the caring responsibility was taking its toll. But now I just feel angry, frustrated and sad all the time. She's fine, doesn't understand really what's happening or where she is but it doesn't make it much easier to deal with. I think having her at home and doing the day to day care kept my emotions at bay but now they're flooding me, I feel overwhelmed with the emotions I mentioned. It is the cruellest disease, I wish she had any other illness!


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
@Andymoggie you'll never be alone here. No wonder you feel angry. How couldn't you be? Your world has been turned upside down.
Glad you found the forum as you say it's hard to get help. Areas vary so much.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
Since my diagnosis I’ve really struggled with feeling so angry. Does anyone else feel like this. I always used to be so passive more lover than fighter lol. But recently I’ve become so angry with everything. Is that Anger


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
Of course you feel anger it's unfair . I suspect everyone feels a mixture of emotions. Give yourself time.
I've come to the conclusion, just last night in fact , you have to live your life as you would have done before were diagnosed only better. Investigate the help available and please, please accept it. Then get on with your life. You are still you. .Wishing you all the very best.

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