Does anyone care for anyone with dementia and also NPD?


New member
Apr 2, 2023
My mum will be 90 this year. Her emotional well being is very fragile and I am finding it harder to cope with her aggressive behaviour. Does anyone else have this, dementia and also narcissistic personality disorder - so difficult to deal with. How do you, if at all manage to escape?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @chrissy42931

It may be difficult for your mother to think of anyone other than herself. If she has been narcissistic in the past, dementia will likely make her even more so.

One of my mother`s nurses said people with dementia don`t lose their basic natural personality and I think it may be true of many.

When my husband`s behaviour was aggressive, I walked away, usually into another room. I hope you are able to do this.


New member
Apr 2, 2023
Sylvia, thank you so much for your reply. It's really good to know one isn't alone in these situations. My mum had an episode this weekend. I closed the door of my room (having moved in with her now so no escape) and she was unbelievably trying to knock the door down using all sorts of profanities and swear words to make me open the door. It was very frightening to see her in such an aggressive state. Yes, the dementia has made the narcissistic traits stronger as she is now showing no filters.

You are right though. I will have to leave the vicinity completely if this happens again.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@chrissy42931 Welcome from me also. That must have been quite frightening for you. Please ensure that you always have a fully charged mobile with you and if possible a room that you can lock the door. If you feel that you are in danger please do not hesitate to call the police, they are trained to deal with situations like this. Dementia is such a hard journey without NPD to deal with also.


New member
Apr 2, 2023
Welcome @chrissy42931

It may be difficult for your mother to think of anyone other than herself. If she has been narcissistic in the past, dementia will likely make her even more so.

One of my mother`s nurses said people with dementia don`t lose their basic natural personality and I think it may be true of many.

When my husband`s behaviour was aggressive, I walked away, usually into another room. I hope you are able to do this.


New member
Apr 2, 2023
@chrissy42931 Welcome from me also. That must have been quite frightening for you. Please ensure that you always have a fully charged mobile with you and if possible a room that you can lock the door. If you feel that you are in danger please do not hesitate to call the police, they are trained to deal with situations like this. Dementia is such a hard journey without NPD to deal with also.


New member
Apr 2, 2023
Thank you SeaSwallow. Yes, it was terrifying. I didn't see that coming. Good point about the phone and the police. All this is new to me and it may seem obvious, but it's suprising how unprepared one can be if experiencing this for the first time. It's always good to think ahead and be prepared. Thank you again.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Thank you SeaSwallow. Yes, it was terrifying. I didn't see that coming. Good point about the phone and the police. All this is new to me and it may seem obvious, but it's suprising how unprepared one can be if experiencing this for the first time. It's always good to think ahead and be prepared. Thank you again.
Nothing is obvious until we have to deal with it. Keep posting if you need advice, or even just to vent. This is an amazing safe space.

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