Disappointed That My Mum Wasn’t Detained Further After Section Two Expired .


Registered User
Jan 6, 2020
My Mum’s 28 day period under section 2 of the mental health act has now ended. Disappointingly and perhaps predictably further detention under section wasn’t deemed necessary. Mum is now informal and because she doesn’t have capacity I presume an application for DOLs will have been made. To say I’m disheartened is an understatement. I know there were episodes of aggression but clearly not with the same frequency or intensity as they occurred in the nursing home. Getting the much converted 117 aftercare would have been good too but I guess this is why detention under section 3 is avoided. The whole merry go round now starts again as the hospital will want to plan discharge. I haven’t seen Mum since she was admitted as I’ve had a work deadline I needed to meet and couldn’t afford not to. I will be visiting my Mum next weekend and am dreading it.
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Violet Jane

Registered User
Aug 23, 2021
@Firecatcher, as I think you did last time, let the social worker take on the burden of finding a care home for your mother. I hope that your father is not thinking of bringing your mother home.


Registered User
Jan 6, 2020
@Firecatcher, as I think you did last time, let the social worker take on the burden of finding a care home for your mother. I hope that your father is not thinking of bringing your mother home.
Yes I’ll certainly make it clear to the hospital social worker that it’s their responsibility to find an appropriate care home for my Mum. My Dad has stopped saying to me that he wants her home and last week told me he’s getting used to being on his own which is good. He might be saying different things to others though as this has been the case before.