
Beverly L

Registered User
Apr 5, 2021
I have posted here a few times about my mum who has dementia and has been living in a carehome for 2.5 years. She has never settled and constantly asks to go home. She is fully mobile and mostly self caring. She is funded by social services with family topping up. Last year at a multidisciplinary meeting with social services and mental health team it was suggested she move closer to me so that I could visit more often, my step dad and family were also in agreement. We decided to wait and see how things went so did not move her at the time. We were also unhappy with the carehome situation as the managers and deputy both went on maternity leave at the same time and a lot of the regular staff left. This imparted the care etc. The manager returned and we hoped things would improve but she then left. Recently Mum's personal care has been lacking and we feel she is being neglected. Following a conversation with family and another social service meeting we have agreed to look at moving her nearer to me. The social work assistant has told me they need to do another capacity assessment on mum and need to involve her in the decision making. I felt she was being a little resistant to moving mum when everyone else agrees. As mum would be out of county we need social service help with fees but I wondered if this is a normal process to go through in order to move someone? Any advice would be very welcome.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Beverly L

I never know if social services have uniform practices and available finance so wouldn`t even attempt to guess what your position may be if you move your mum.

I would ask your own local social services and find out precisely what the position is.