

New member
Sep 29, 2022
I am in the process of wading through the forms that need to be completed in the application for Deputyship, my question relates to who should I include in the list of people who need to be notified in section 5.2 of cop1?

Dad has very few members of his family left and no friends, there is one person who is the daughter of his deceased cousin who keeps in touch and is aware of his dementia. On the form it states that at least three people should be included.

Other than her, who else can I include?
His social worker has said it is not appropriate to include them in a personal application, I haven't approached dad's GP yet, but I am stuck.

Any help or advice would be very gratefully appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

P.S Dad is 95 in April and has recently been referred to palliative care, so unless my application is considered as urgent, he may well die before the application is processed. I just want to give him the best quality of care in the time he has left...


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
When I applied for deputyship for my mum I put down my two (grown up) children and my brother. I take it that you do not have any other relatives.
Have you contacted the Office of Public guardians about this? I found them quite helpful when I applied, although it can take some time to get through to them.
I suspect that they would tell you to just put the one relative down and write an explanation in "other information" section, but I dont know. I would be interested to know the answer once you find out, please.


New member
Sep 29, 2022
When I applied for deputyship for my mum I put down my two (grown up) children and my brother. I take it that you do not have any other relatives.
Have you contacted the Office of Public guardians about this? I found them quite helpful when I applied, although it can take some time to get through to them.
I suspect that they would tell you to just put the one relative down and write an explanation in "other information" section, but I dont know. I would be interested to know the answer once you find out, please.
Thanks for your reply, no there are no other relatives.
I have tried getting through to the OPG a couple of times, I am sure they are very helpful when they answer, but I gave up after waiting for quite some time...

Guess I will have to try again sometime soon.

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