Dementia Together magazine - April/May 2023


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Dementia Together magazine features the latest news, features, tips and advice for carers and people with dementia, book reviews, updates on dementia research and articles highlighting good practice in dementia care, plus readers' letters.


Here are a few of the articles from this month:

Keeping busy and living well after a diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia
Warren Berman, who has frontotemporal dementia, is no stranger to a challenge

Nabila wants better dementia care following her mother's experiences
Nabila Zulfiqar's late mother had many appalling hospital and care home experiences

Sandwell Community Dementia Service - working together to provide better support
Alzheimer's Society is part of a powerful partnership in the West Midlands that's giving people affected by dementia the support they need

An app helping people with dementia and others who have hearing loss
The Eargym app can help to clear the noise, improve hearing and increase confidence in noisy environments

Making sure healthcare students understand the realities of life with dementia
Chris shares how he and his wife, Susan, draw on their own experience of posterior cortical atrophy to improve future care and support

You can read the rest of the articles or download a copy here.


To receive your copy of each new magazine in the post, please visit the website page here or call 0330 333 0804 (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm).

Have your say

What did you think of this month's articles? Were there any that you particularly enjoyed, or that you learned something from? The magazine team would love to hear your thoughts - you can either comment on this thread, or email

Thanks everyone :)


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
An interesting read. I noticed that one of my photos has been published and there are quotes from lots of other forum members too :)

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