Dementia Together magazine - October/November 2023


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Dementia Together magazine features the latest news, features, tips and advice for carers and people with dementia, book reviews, updates on dementia research and articles highlighting good practice in dementia care, plus readers' letters.


Here are a few of the articles from this issue:

Staying active in the community following a dementia diagnosis
Retired teacher Nellie Suffolk, in Bristol, has Alzheimer's disease and remains as independent as she can

Talking about feelings of loss as a partner's dementia progresses
Cordelia Galgut is frank about feeling loss as her wife’s Alzheimer’s disease has progressed

Read the winners of our 2023 poetry competition
Proudly presenting the winners of our 2023 Dementia together magazine poetry competition!

A defining moment for dementia research - and how you can help
With the recent hopeful drug findings, Sharon Boulter, Research Participation Officer, looks at taking part in clinical trials

Getting a dementia diagnosis shouldn't depend on where you live
How easily you can get a diagnosis varies too much depending on where you live - Anita Goundry wants that to change

You can read the rest of the articles or download a copy here.


To receive your copy of each new magazine in the post, please visit the website page here or call 0330 333 0804 (Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm).

Have your say

What did you think of this month's articles? Were there any that you particularly enjoyed, or that you learned something from? The magazine team would love to hear your thoughts - you can either comment on this thread, or email

Thanks everyone :)


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
I've only read one poem so far (the adult winner in the 'a way with words' category) but I thought it was excellent.
It's called 'No One Told the Damselflies' by Jeanne Mackenzie - worth a look.


Registered User
Sep 24, 2023
I don't really understand one aspect of the formatting of the articles: what is the function of the bolded passages in blue inside speech marks? It's not always clear who they're quoting or if they're quoting anyone at all.

Also, for me, they are a stark visual intrusion upon the continuity of the text, which overall make the text require more effort to read, not less.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Another great poem - youth first in the 'From the heart' category,
'In the Tangled Web of Memory' by Phoenix Lee (aged 12). Well done.


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Apologies for the delay in replying - thank you to everyone for your thoughts and feedback on the poetry competition and the articles. It's great to see which poems you've enjoyed :)