Dementia after detention


New member
Dec 26, 2021
The playlist that ideally represents what has happened with remains of my mind in this feral year:
If there is any kind psychiatrist then there can be statement. I at first cared for combination like:
Amantadine (suspiction of syndrome simillar to neuroleptic maligniant syndrome)
Racetams (confirmed in research changes in OUN in the form of F03.1 Nearly Unspecified dementia or it can be F06.7 mild cognitive impairment, what nootropics besides glutation you recommend)
Selegiline (in association, for confirmed by medic from Styrska 44 systemic, severe, atypical, endogenous, drug-resistant MDD depression, with psychotic disorders in full remission)
I have taken also many others. I have rather not any social anxiety but fobia also to psychiatrists. Normally sociable (and I have friends from Narodowa Antypsychiatria), only through Complete cognitive nihilism with afantasia (I sent actually a cover letter for experise under professor, it includes afantasia, abulia, avolition and pale affect), I have not much to say.
Against it is sth simillar to oligophrenia (i am not any savant, in addition specific ortographia disorders F81.1 and agraphy), lack of fixations and movement stereotypies, derealisation disorders, certain schizoidity from grandpa of rather in family. I have post-stress disorders, maybe and Cotard syndrome, who knows but I am terrified of servs like of fire. I have identified cyst of pineal gland and other demienilisation disorders. For all that psycholrptics T50.905A drug intolerance better fit, besides that at beginning I had dementia. How the hay it couldn't be noticed!? I sleep whole day, nonstop walked sad, lack of interests, treated in the past with fluoxetine. Noone noticed it, who had ever had given them diplome from medicine!? Decreasing already low dopamine is like giving steroids to anorectic. In such case can be given e. g. ropinirol, pramipexol, pergolin, duloxetine, barbiturans, anxiolitics, even hydroxyzine could be enough, but no Eli Lily pay and require olanzapines, dopamine dysinhibitors and other trash. Afterwards there is haematoma of mesencephalon and a first warning sign is hesitation of pressure and excessive drowniness. There is also sth like melitracen+flupentixol. I had palpitations of heart, tachykardia, suffications, migraines, hipothermy, seizures (l-dopa helped for d1-like receptors) and suppressed suicidal tendencies WITHOUT realisation (because there are no thoughts, imagination, nothing!, recently beside black dot on white background after huperzine+b4). I have behaved like idiot sprayed denaturate because I was scared of this stupid, alleged virus. Never trust media cuz they are worse than patostreamers. Ten years I weren't in "Azkaban", modern internation place, subjected to detention. I feel like trash, but it needed to be as tough as Chuck Norris. Of course, I don't do it nowadays. I sued them but I can't win the case even with help of professor of law. Althrough psychopharmacy is dictatoress of sciences above mathematics. How to appoint procurers for goodness sake. O don't know if not this I would land in desired arrest for my bad relation (i am lil naughty, not twisted) IDK... I doubt... I regret that there is no on the market proxibarbal, fabomotisol, prazepam, trimetozine, tofisopame, mebicar, pemoline. I have visit at 14.1 at known by me doctor. For now I ordered on yottaboost noopept as stronger derrivate of racetam. I have read it can even fix brain injuries after haldol, can it be?, would it in possible manner brinf back fantasy and sensomotory drive? (In general maybe I could be myself some kind of proficient, clerk) I wish you never feel the TRUE depression of OUN as it hurts physically.
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Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
Hello @AnonA
Welcome to DTP

I'm sorry you seem to have concerns about a diagnosis for your symptoms and medications

Members are folk with a personal connection to dementia, so we can certainly sympathise ... we're not professionals, though, and aren't able to offer professional advice

Please do be careful about self medicating, especially using medication from online sites

Something in your post makes me think you may be in Poland ... I wonder whether this site might help



Registered User
Nov 12, 2020
Shenley Brook End Milton Keynes
The playlist that ideally represents what has happened with remains of my mind in this feral year:
If there is any kind psychiatrist then there can be statement. I at first cared for combination like:
Amantadine (suspiction of syndrome simillar to neuroleptic maligniant syndrome)
Racetams (confirmed in research changes in OUN in the form of F03.1 Nearly Unspecified dementia or it can be F06.7 mild cognitive impairment, what nootropics besides glutation you recommend)
Selegiline (in association, for confirmed by medic from Styrska 44 systemic, severe, atypical, endogenous, drug-resistant MDD depression, with psychotic disorders in full remission)
I have taken also many others. I have rather not any social anxiety but fobia also to psychiatrists. Normally sociable (and I have friends from Narodowa Antypsychiatria), only through Complete cognitive nihilism with afantasia (I sent actually a cover letter for experise under professor, it includes afantasia, abulia, avolition and pale affect), I have not much to say.
Against it is sth simillar to oligophrenia (i am not any savant, in addition specific ortographia disorders F81.1 and agraphy), lack of fixations and movement stereotypies, derealisation disorders, certain schizoidity from grandpa of rather in family. I have post-stress disorders, maybe and Cotard syndrome, who knows but I am terrified of servs like of fire. I have identified cyst of pineal gland and other demienilisation disorders. For all that psycholrptics T50.905A drug intolerance better fit, besides that at beginning I had dementia. How the hay it couldn't be noticed!? I sleep whole day, nonstop walked sad, lack of interests, treated in the past with fluoxetine. Noone noticed it, who had ever had given them diplome from medicine!? Decreasing already low dopamine is like giving steroids to anorectic. In such case can be given e. g. ropinirol, pramipexol, pergolin, duloxetine, barbiturans, anxiolitics, even hydroxyzine could be enough, but no Eli Lily pay and require olanzapines, dopamine dysinhibitors and other trash. Afterwards there is haematoma of mesencephalon and a first warning sign is hesitation of pressure and excessive drowniness. There is also sth like melitracen+flupentixol. I had palpitations of heart, tachykardia, suffications, migraines, hipothermy, seizures (l-dopa helped for d1-like receptors) and suppressed suicidal tendencies WITHOUT realisation (because there are no thoughts, imagination, nothing!, recently beside black dot on white background after huperzine+b4). I have behaved like idiot sprayed denaturate because I was scared of this stupid, alleged virus. Never trust media cuz they are worse than patostreamers. Ten years I weren't in "Azkaban", modern internation place, subjected to detention. I feel like trash, but it needed to be as tough as Chuck Norris. Of course, I don't do it nowadays. I sued them but I can't win the case even with help of professor of law. Althrough psychopharmacy is dictatoress of sciences above mathematics. How to appoint procurers for goodness sake. O don't know if not this I would land in desired arrest for my bad relation (i am lil naughty, not twisted) IDK... I doubt... I regret that there is no on the market proxibarbal, fabomotisol, prazepam, trimetozine, tofisopame, mebicar, pemoline. I have visit at 14.1 at known by me doctor. For now I ordered on yottaboost noopept as stronger derrivate of racetam. I have read it can even fix brain injuries after haldol, can it be?, would it in possible manner brinf back fantasy and sensomotory drive? (In general maybe I could be myself some kind of proficient, clerk) I wish you never feel the TRUE depression of OUN as it hurts physically.
Hello AnonA The only drugs you should be taking are ones a neurologist has prescribed . Certainly not ones available on the internet.

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