

Registered User
Mar 5, 2013
hi there i havnt posted on here for a while, my dad was diagnosed with dementia at the beginning of the year, he has gone from living at home and cooking, gardening and driving and everything else, to living in a care home he cant drive walk, talk, shower, wash, dress, undress read, write he has to be taken to the toilet and this has all happened in the last 6 months it just gets worse and worse and as he has had so many falls he has been moved from the ordinary care home into the dementia part which i feel although its good for his safety he now isnt getting the mental stimulation he was getting in the other part its just all so sad, and i dont really know what to do how to cope with all this how can it have possibly got this bad so quick, sorry im going on but i think i just need to get it off my chest


Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon
Hi Sarah

I'm so sorry to read about your troubles.It's bad enough having the diagnosis but even worse when the dementia is fast acting.How old is your Dad? Does he have vascular or Alzheimers dementia or some other type.My Husband has Alzheimers and is 66 years old.His descent is very quick and he seems to deteriorate very quickly also_On a weekly basis he loses skills, gets them back and then completely loses them forever.It's heartbreaking.

Please keep posting so you can get as much support as you need here.

Love from Lyn T


Registered User
Jan 19, 2011
North East England
Hi Sarah, I too am so sorry to hear about the quick deterioration of your poor dad. Six months is nothing at all, is it, and so unexpected.

Would it be possible for your dad to spend a little time each day in the other side of the home so that he does continue to have some mental stimulation, whilst maybe going back to his own side for the most of his care, meals, and so on? I've heard that some homes are prepared to do this, so it might be worth asking about.

Do keep posting and let us know how you get on.


Registered User
Mar 5, 2013
hi there thankyou both for your reply's, lyn i am so sorry to here about your husband he is very young isnt he thats so sad, my dad is 86 this year so at least he has had a good life up untill now, he has vascular dementia and yes it is all so quick your heart and head doesnt seem to have time to catch up before they lose something else, its just so hard trying to cope, its all so sad i find myself crying at strange times like for eg in the middle of tescos as i was looking at the bottles of red wine thinking oh dad liked to treat himself to a nice bottle of red sometimes and cant do that anymore.
that is a very good idea about taking him into the other part of the home i am going to speak to the home about that tomorrow i suppose they will do it if they have time !
thankyou both again for replying to me, keep strong
sarah xx

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