Dad now in permanant care home


Registered User
Apr 11, 2012
My Dad was in his own sheltered accomodation until he had a fall last September and broke his leg in 2 places, he had an operation to repair the leg and was in hospital for 6 weeks and then was transferred to a Nursing home where he stayed from beginning of November until June this year, in that time he had a very bad UTI and we nearly lost him all due to dehydration ( yes in a nursing home) because it was a long way from us we were only able to visit every other day. The social workers were adamant that he would not be able to return to his flat, his vascular dementia had gotten so much worse and he was now incontinent on top of everything else. I had been trying for 2 years to get a 3 bedroom house so he could come to live with me and that was not possible, we was really upset when we first told him about having to go into a CH permanately, but I realised that I would not be able to cope with him as we both felt embarrassed about dealing with his personal care re the loo. We were able to get him into a CH very close to where I live and I see him most days and my sister too. The home have been very good for him as he has made friends although he doesn't always remember who they are lol but they have dementia too so I guess there are times they don't remember who he is either. I understand others who say that the war songs are a feature but I have to say that the 50's are used in Dad's CH. I think I have rambled on enough for today but just typing this has made me feel better. I hope that someone will read this and understand that sometimes a CH is a blessing not a curse and my advice is to get involved in the activities at the home and you may influence what happens there. we have been out to the pub for lunch with Dad and other residents and carers and they are having a barbeque later this month and have regular meetings. So get involved. :)


Registered User
Dec 25, 2012
Hi what a great post sharing your good experiences with us all, its nice to hear about a good outcome regarding permanent care, so thank you for that. Just wish my Mum would mix at her ch but she has always been a loner and Dad visiting every day stops her from mixing an making friends, but I understand his need to visit every day as she is his wife. The ch Mum is in is lovely and the staff are truly wonderful caring people, I have no complaints regarding Mums care and I know the other residents appreciate all the great entertainment they provide .



Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
Hello Suzy and a warm welcome to Talking Point, so much understanding here as well as support, so your first post is not uncommon, but very realistic in your dad moving:) you have looked at how he is with "eyes wide open" and made sure he is safe and well, that's all we can do as carers and people who care and indeed can make the "guilt monster" take over, when our loved one needs to be moved. I don't have this experience (yet) as both mum(Alzheimer's) and mum in law(Vascular Dementia) are still able to live in their own council flats, but when the time comes, and yes it will be hard, their well being comes first and I feel that just because they will be in a different place with 24 hr care, that the caring does not and will not stop, it will give us a better quality of support for them, and yes new friends too:) please do keep posting, and am so pleased that dad is having such a lovely,new lease of life:D lol, take care - Chris x


Registered User
Mar 7, 2011
I agree Suzy. Dads nh was amazing....staff still text phone us etc..its only been 6 weeks since dad passed but we plan to keep visiting


Registered User
Apr 11, 2012
Thanks for all your comments. I have read other posts re the moving of parents/partners to care and I have to say I think that it does seem to be easier moving them from hospital/NH to CH than moving from their own home, Dad was always adamant that he did not want to go into a care home, at one time told me that he would disinherit me,( he hasn't got much money lol) if we put him in one of THOSE places. I am sure that he still thinks he is in a hotel. because he is close it also means more people are able to go and see him, as like alot of people none of my siblings/cousins are getting any younger.
Feel better about Dad being in a happier place as I see the other side of the coin with my Sister in law's Mum who also has dementia and is living with my Brother & Sister in law and she is making life difficult as my brother has trouble coping with her little foibles -he can't cope with our Dad. my SIL is getting at the end of her tether but will not even think of getting her into a CH even for respite.
Sorry for rambling but its very cathargic writing on here.