Dad not happy with lack of freedom & conversation.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Well done selling the house @SMBeach One worry sorted.

I agree it would be best not to discuss this and I wouldn`t even tell your dad his house has been sold even if he asks. You could always say its fine if he asks, which it is.

Try not to pre-empt your visit. It might be easier to take it as it comes.

I hope all goes well.


Registered User
Apr 19, 2020
Well done selling the house @SMBeach One worry sorted.

I agree it would be best not to discuss this and I wouldn`t even tell your dad his house has been sold even if he asks. You could always say its fine if he asks, which it is.

Try not to pre-empt your visit. It might be easier to take it as it comes.

I hope all goes well.
Yes. Just got to tell brother not to mention the house sale. Dad has actually used the word home when talking to me about where he is now so that’s a good thing. But I know there are ‘good’ days when dad remembers things clearly.


Registered User
Oct 15, 2023
Wow, selling his house so quick will be a huge relief for you in the long run. Well done. You are doing everything you can. Glad one of your brothers is going to see him. May be your other brother just cant cope with seeing his independent father so much changed. Some people just cant cope with seeing parents in a care home. Ive known men who cant cope with seeing children after a divorce . Not because they dont love their children, but because they cant cope with the pain of only seeing them for hours rather than every day. Give him time. Or send him a photo of your Dad doing activities when he gets out and about abit more. Maybe he could write a postcard to your Dad. Its really tough on everyone, in different ways. Take Care. Thinking of you. Roll on Summer walks.