Dad newly diagnosed with mixed dementia


New member
Feb 13, 2024
Dad has been in and out of hospital over the last 10 months. He's been on opiate based painkillers which made him very muddled and gave hallucinations. They take a few weeks to wear off.
He's only been home about 8 weeks so was pretty shocked to get the diagnosis of mixed dementia ( Alzheimers and Vascular)

I'm more worried about Mum who has her own health problems but always stayed cheery, but lately is weepy. Dad is up at night, restless. He has a catheter and sometimes disconnects it.

They have carers night and morning but it's not been great. Dad is in bed too long etc.

It's hard to know what's best. She's been offered respite breaks but she seems reluctant so now planning to show an extra-care flat, but mum thinks too much of an upheaval. She just despairs and says 'you'll need to decide'


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Henriett.

I’m so sorry to read about your parents. It must be really hard for your mum. I wondered if its worth her having a check up from her GP if you could arrange it and persuade her to go.

I’m glad you’ve found this forum. It’s a place where people understand and will be quick to offer support.


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Henriett and a welcome from me too to this friendly and supportive forum.

I am sorry to read about your parents. Such a worry for you. It does sound as though a doctors check up would be a good thing for your Mum. She risks 'burning herself out' with worry, upset and anxiety otherwise .
Please do have a good look around the forums and ask any particular questions you may like to. Members here really do want to help and understand.