Current poa registration timescale

Registered User
Jan 16, 2014
In case you are just about to apply, we posted health and finance for dad on 18th January and have received them today 4th April, gives you a rough idea of how long it is currently taking for processing.:)


Registered User
Jan 20, 2014
Thanks for that. I posted ours mid February and nothing yet. Did you get any acknowledgement? I worry that while I am sitting waiting it is lost in the post.:D

Registered User
Jan 16, 2014
No acknowledgement until notices received that the poa would be issued after 3 wks from receipt of notices. I phoned them 4 weeks after I'd posted them recorded delivery and was told that the applications had been logged onto their system on 26 Jan but a case worker hadn't yet been assigned. So the first communication was the notices to attorneys and donor which came through 4 weeks ago and set a date of issue within a week after 31 March and true to their word they arrived today! I was told it was taking longer because they had a backlog to clear but they were working methodically through 'the pile' in the date order they were received.

Found them very helpful - I phoned twice during the process to check all was in hand. Good luck with yours, it's certainly a relief when they arrive!
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Registered User
Oct 28, 2013
My health and welfare was sent end Jan and I get notice two weeks ago to say it will be issued in four weeks time.

Sent from my GT-I8190N using Talking Point mobile app


Registered User
Jan 20, 2014
Thanks. It is nerve wracking waiting because so much depends on it, doesn't it? i am having to pay my mum's nh fees out of my savings while I wait for the poa finance to come through.

Registered User
Jan 16, 2014
Yes Raggedrobin, it certainly is! We've kept dad well away from his bank and have kept his pattern of spending the same since mum died suddenly in October so things have ticked along without any problem thankfully but the relief that we now have legal authority to sort things out is huge. We were without his pin number initially which caused a bit of a panic but we explained 'dad had forgotten it' and they kindly sent through a reminder, without that we would have been truly stuffed! The bank tried to be as helpful as they could but without poa or court of protection their hands are tied but it worked out ok for us, phew! I hope yours come through quickly.


Registered User
Jan 20, 2014
Just to say the 9 week wait that was stated at the start of my application is now longer, I just rang them, as I was wondering if they actually had received the application as I have heard nothing and they said they thought it would be another couple of weeks. Meanwhile, mum goes more and more off message, I so hope it goes through okay. So I am now looking at an 11 week wait, oh, and I can ring them again if I haven't heard then, that's nice of them.:rolleyes:


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
We filled ours in and posted in early Jan - my brother posted so don't know if it was recorded delivery.

We got emails on 20 March to confirm that they had been received and were being processed etc and my mum got letters a few days later giving her opportunity to object and it said they would be issued within 2 weeks of 22 April

So over 9 weeks from posting until processed


Registered User
Jan 20, 2014
Thanks for that info. That is ages! :eek: looks like I've still got a wait to go...10 weeks or so and counting.


Registered User
Jan 9, 2014
I sent my dad's LPA off on 11 Feb and was told 2 weeks ago that the turnover was 12 weeks. Its been 10 weeks now for us. I wish it was faster mum finally decided that it was a good idea to do one for her too but I'm waiting to check that dad's is ok before I send off mums. My mind is constantly thinking LPA.. LPA..!!


Registered User
Jan 20, 2014
its annoying that we don't get an acknowledgement note, and that the time it said they would take when I registered - 9 weeks - is an underestimation. I am becoming obsessed with telling people to get on and do it if they are thinking about it!


Registered User
Jan 9, 2014
still waiting

Has anyone had their LPA back Yet? RaggedRobin??? I rang up about a week ago and now there's a recorded message saying its taking up to 14 weeks. Next week their time is up so I'll be talking to someone!!!! Its so annoying not even knowing if there's a problem but I should hope after all this time if there is they would have let me know. After all, they cashed my cheque within a week!


Registered User
Dec 21, 2012
Abingdon Oxfordshire
Thanks to everyone who posted to let us know how long their P.O.A took to complete.

I've had the forms from the on-line application web site all filled in, and waiting for me to take the final steps to assemble all the bodies together to sign in the correct order.

I've been hesitating to take that last step which, to me, would mean stripping my dear husband of the last vestiges of his already diminished autonomy.

I can see now that, 'She who hesitates is lost.' - My man is slipping away from me, and capacity seems to be, 'of the essence' in this matter; so, the rocket is well and truly lodged up my backside!
Thanks again all of you.
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Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
"... waiting for me to take the final steps to assemble all the bodies together to sign in the correct order..."

The same date on all signatures will be accepted by the OPG

"...would mean stripping my dear husband of the last vestiges of his already diminished autonomy..."

That does not happen until you present the registered power to the financial institution, get certified copies, never post the original to anybody. Up to that time you are making sensible arrangements.
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Account Closed
Jul 18, 2012

You are all referring to waiting times for LPA but does it make a difference whether it is LPA for Property/Finance or Health/Welfare? Are they done by same organisation with different piles or all lumped the same i.e. in order of receipt - would anyone know?

I may have to apply for LPA (not deputy) because my mum's fraudsters insist she has capacity so if that is the case, she can revoke the current LPA and create a new one with me only on it. Of course the fraudsters will object and this will then take the process longer.

So if all goes smooth I am assuming according to your calculations, to account for 3 months from application to registration.


Registered User
Jan 20, 2014
Don't know the answer to that Norfolk girl, but Snowy, indeed no I haven't heard a dickybird. in fact you have saved me a phone call as I thought I ought to ring again. There are so many things I can't get sorted out until we have poa and I am running out of money to pay for mum's care home fees while we wait!:eek:


Registered User
Nov 7, 2011
I posted this a few days ago on another thread, but it may be on interest to some of you on this one too:

Just for information, as well as getting the LPA signed, OH took in an Ordinary Power of Attorney form, downloaded from the WH Smith website, and we got MIL to sign this as well as the LPA forms.

It's a simple one page form and is a a temporary solution available to those with capacity and MIL's signature was simply witnessed by the staff nurse. OH has taken it in to the bank and should be able to access the accounts within 7-10 days, which gives us breathing space until the LPA is registered.

Our local branch was happy to accept the OPA, whereas the branch where MIL lives had never seen one before and was very wary, so stand your ground. It is legal. It becomes invalid once capacity is lost, so it is not a long term solution.

This tells you more about an OPA

HSBC's website:
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