Court of protection


Registered User
Nov 12, 2013
Oh for my grqndson to be able to sit A levels! He hasn't been to school since last September so that possibility is very much in doubt.
Something is trying to be organised now about some other place but that won't happen until Setember at the earliest.

Good luck to your son.
They are very young to be doing A levels in my opinion. My 17 year old acts like a 15 yr old. He will probably stay at home an extra year - to resit - as he is not taking responsibility for the work!

I hope things turn out ok. I hope he is getting the support he needs - sometimes you have to shout very loud to be heard.



Registered User
Nov 12, 2013
Do you mean you need a SW for the COP application? You need to name any allocated SW, but if there is no allocated SW you don't need to get one solely for the COP.

Apologies if I've misunderstood and you need a SW for another reason.

If the consultant is slow to do the medical certificate do consider asking the GP. In my experience they're quicker and their fees considerably less.

Hi sue
Turns out the doctors I am using have to be referred by SW. This has now been done so they just need to get a doctor round to my mum. Must be cos I told the last one I spoke to that I would have a nervous breakdown if it went on much longer!! Hoping to get it all sorted quickly now!!! With a bit of luck!!

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