Cooker safety


Registered User
Jul 29, 2013
My mum has dementia, she is 87 & lives alone in her own home. This is where she is determined to stay & where she is happiest & I believe currently safest. She has carers visiting 3 times a day & they prepare her meals. I live 4 hours away & visit every 4 - 6 weeks at weekends. There is an alarm on the front door that is activated at night & if she opens the door Elder Care are immediately aware. They will then contact her & if they can't get hold of her, they ring me.
She has been coping really well since my dad died but I'm told that last week she found some food that a neighbour had left out for the carer to cook & decided to cook it herself. She hasn't cooked for a long time & of course forgot about it. She has a very keen sense of smell & I guess she realised what she had done before more damage than burning the pan occurred. I'm now really worried about her safety & of course that of her neighbours!
Does anyone know if we can have an isolator switch put on her rather ancient gas cooker? Or would I need to buy an electric cooker? Obviously it would be easier to retain the gas cooker as then I wouldn't have to explain why she has a new cooker that she won't want!
Taking the cooker out completely isn't really an option because then she would only be able to eat Microwave meals & also when family visit, we stay for a few days & need to be able to cook while we're there.
Any advice from anyone who knows about gas cooker safety would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
Radcliffe on Trent