Continuing Healthcare Assessment


Registered User
Nov 11, 2013
I have joined this forum because my mum has severe dementia and is cared for In a nursing home - since June 2012. She pays for her own care, and the staff are surprise by this because her dementia is pretty severe, so the home has applied for a continuing healthcare assessment. The application was made on 14 sept and apparently they are still waiting to assign a nurse to do the assessment. Is it usual and acceptable to have to wait two months fro an assessment?


Registered User
May 27, 2013
Hi RevKate

As a first step, you may wish to familiarise yourself with the NHS Guidelines of Continuing Healthcare (CHC) via this link:

You'll see (para 95 of the "Guidelines" document) that the decision process to determine eligibility should not normally exceed 28 days. This is so that the individual's healthcare and nursing needs are reasonably "current" when the decision is made. But this particular clock only starts ticking when the "checklist" (see link for more info) process actually starts.

But I know from first hand experience certain Clinical Commissioning Groups (used to be called Primary Care Trusts) don't adhere to the NHS' own guidelines particularly rigidly, so I recommend you make yourself known and keep chasing the right people, particularly, having read and understood the "Decision Support Tool" (again, via the link), you think your mother would qualify.

Having said that, my local CCG just took a whole year from assessment to deciding to withdraw my mother's eligibility, but that's probably (hopefully!) an example of the NHS at its worst, which I've written about elsewhere on the forum.

Good luck and don't forget there's lots of good advice and experience on here.
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