Confused on her own


Registered User
Jun 2, 2013
Mum has moved in with us been about 2 months, she is going to daycare twice a week, bit of a struggle but she finally goes on the bus. The problem i have is the days she is not in daycare ss trying to increase her days upto 3, but she gets very confused and disorientated the days we are in work with only the carer calling in. She is in tears when i come back from work by not remembering where she is. i have put signs up around the house but she still is confused, if i phone to check she is ok she does not answer the phone. We have had to put a lockable gate outside so that she can go out to the patio speak to neighbours but not go any further as she has attempted to make her way back to her own home, but luckily neighbour saw her. Any other suggestions as im in knotts the days im in work and shes home, we leave snacks and flask for her and the cooker etc is turned off on trip switch with us just incase, but ita the thought of her on her own whilst im in work confused and lonely. Ss going to try and see if they can get someone to call in, once someone is here to reassure her she is fine


Registered User
Sep 27, 2006
Costa Blanca Spain
It sounds a very sad situation for your mum whilst you are at work, locked in for her own safety, wondering where she is and unable to occupy herself in what to her, must seem a long time alone.

Would it be possible to pay for a sitter to come in a few times when you are at work even if this is just to keep her company for a while?



Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. She sounds very sad and confused. I can empathise with the situation a bit as my mum used to stay with us before she died 2 years ago. When I was at work my heart was in my mouth most of the time when we had the visits from agency carers. She didn't like this set up as she couldn't get to know anyone properly. I eventually changed to direct payments so that I could employ my own carers for her. This made such a difference to her life. I know the situation is different here in Scotland as we have free personal care for the elderly. This is what provided the basic budget and mum's contributions were added to it.

Is there any chance she could go to the day centre for another day? If not I wondered if there are any organisation who might provide a sitter for her - Crossroads?

I do hope you manage to find some company for her. For you sake as well as hers.


Registered User
Jun 2, 2013
She has a carer that goes in for an hour a day as well to feed her have a chat etc. but apparently is always tearfull and feeling lost. It is a horrible disease today she was asking me when i moved in not the other way around, its good days and bad as we all now. Will see if i can get someone from cross roads to call etc

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