Christmas crisis looming


Registered User
May 1, 2022
My OH has FTD snd has been getting worse in recent weeks, word finding, memory, lack of empathy and recognition for all I do for him. Keeps spilling drinks and shouts me to clear up. He has no ability to organise himself or do any jobs in the house any more and although he can shower and go to loo, I have to get his clothes out otherwise he'd be out in his PJs. Can't use TV remote and keeps turning the box off so my recordings don't work. Tried to turn tv on with my phone this afternoon and i lost it, I shouted, stormed upstairs and banged the door and I'm still up here now. Exhausted with it all and as his condition causes lack of awareness he doesn't think there is anything wrong with him, pushes back and argues every time I try to help (he spent 30 mins trying to do his buttons this morning as he wouldn't let me help him). He's not the man I married 40 years ago and I don't love him anymore. I'm dreading the next week of us being together in the house we've no kids and relatives aren't close so we've always been away for Christmas in the past until last year. Can't really take him anywhere now as eating is so messy and he makes inappropriate comments all the time. I feel a crisis coming on at the worst time when there is no escape. Feeling so anxious and stressed about the future could do with respite but he wouldn't do it as he thinks he's OK, and I'm not sure anyone would take him. I've got a social care assessment booked for him in January so I hope they will see what I am dealing with. What they can do though is another matter. I guess rant over, I feel a bit better for sharing.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2020
How I empathise with all you say Velademar, as I am in the same position as you, all we can do is dig in over Christmas and hope in the New Year we are able to push people along to help. It feels the more you make a fuss, the better. Take care of yourself x


Registered User
May 1, 2022
How I empathise with all you say Velademar, as I am in the same position as you, all we can do is dig in over Christmas and hope in the New Year we are able to push people along to help. It feels the more you make a fuss, the better. Take care of yourself x
Thank you and you too x