Choosing care home for mum


Registered User
May 16, 2010
Hull, East Yorkshire
We have been researching care homes on the web and asking around for recommendations. We'd got it down to a shortlist of 3 to view. Until this weekend 2 of these homes had single rooms free. Today we did view and very happy with one of the homes, however the free rooms have all been occupied now :eek: we do have 2 more to view this week, but what if neither of these have rooms either?? Mum isn't at home, she's in a hospital ward ready to be discharged. I don't know what the process is. The last thing we want is for mum to move into a less nice home where her needs can't be managed sufficiently.


Registered User
May 16, 2010
Hull, East Yorkshire
Thankyou for your msg, mum is in a psych. Unit and has been there since dec! So not a usual hospital bed situation I'm guessing. I will ring in the morning and double check, thankyou again. Sorry to hear of your mum x


Registered User
May 16, 2010
Hull, East Yorkshire
We found a nice home with specialist training amongst it's staff, and my Mum moves in on Monday.
7 years fighting for help , 4 + months of living without Mum as she's been in the hospital ward all this time, finally a diagnosis and the 24 he care she needs, but oh boy, it's tough.
I've been the strong one for a long time and all of a sudden it's dawning on me, my Mum will never come home again, never take a holiday again. How does Dad get on now? He's used to living alone now and more than used to fending for himself. But it's like we're grieving but she's still here.
Mum and Dad married 40 yrs ago always had holidays and day trips to the coast on a Sunday, always celebrated and new year big style. I just can't imagine how thongs will pan out from now.
Probably just a wobble, because it's actually happening - the one thing Mum always dreaded and we promised to never let it happen to her.
Now for the new uncertainty and expected upset that this coming week will bring.
Please God, let Mum settle quickly and remain settled and content with the remainder of her life.

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