CHC (Continuing Healthcare) support thread


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
The scheme is Fast Track (although I was told, "It's more like slow track at the moment"). It is virtually certain that the application will go through, but sometimes, clarification may be sought from the consultant making the application.
Sounds like it's all getting sorted, albeit a bit slower than normal, but at least it's one less thing to worry about at an already worrying time.

The beauty of Fast Track compared to regular CHC funding is that the ICB has no wriggle room. Their responsibilities are set out in the Standing Rules which are legally binding, as opposed to the National Framework which, as many on here will tell you, can turn out to be several years of battles.

Glad your mum is more comfortable and getting the care she deserves. At the end of the day that's the most important thing.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2022
The beauty of Fast Track compared to regular CHC funding is that the ICB has no wriggle room. Their responsibilities are set out in the Standing Rules which are legally binding, as opposed to the National Framework which, as many on here will tell you, can turn out to be several years of battles.
Thank you, Dave 63. I did not even know about CHC until a week ago. This forum has allowed me to ask pertinent questions to the NHS and has given me considerable relief at a difficult time. I have leukaemia myself, which is usually very manageable, but having to manage my mother's premature release from the hospital before readmittance caused me considerable stress and tiredness.

As you say, it now appears to be a virtual certainty that my mother will be sent to a Nursing Home under the NHS scheme.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
As you say, it now appears to be a virtual certainty that my mother will be sent to a Nursing Home under the NHS scheme.
Not sure what the options are for choosing a nursing home under the Fast Track process but would it be worth checking which homes are available in your area so that if the ICB suggest any which you're not happy with you can have a couple of alternatives to suggest?

Give the home a call and explain the situation and check to make sure they will accept CHC funded residents and if so do they have beds available.

The following site can be useful for finding homes in your area. Don't get too hung up on CQC ratings or furnishings, the important thing is the quality of care. You'll get a sense of this if you can visit the home before making any decisions. My mum is a privately run nursing home and whilst it may not look like the Hilton and was given a 'needs improvement' rating by CQC their level of care and compassion is top notch and we've never had reason to worry, which is more than we can say about her previous two homes, one of which was rated as 'outstanding'.



Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
I have leukaemia myself, which is usually very manageable, but having to manage my mother's premature release from the hospital before readmittance caused me considerable stress and tiredness.
Don't forget to look after yourself whilst all this is going on. To be dealing with this whilst also managing your mums situation is admirable, she must be very proud of you.


New member
Apr 18, 2024

I'm new to this forum. My relative is in a nursing home - and self-funding but deemed eligible for CHC funding by very helpful and knowledgable seeming advisor at Beacon; was refused at first assesement so now ICB has approved appeal - been waiting for over a year for the Local Resolution Meeting for the appeal to take place. In the meantime seeking professional representation / advocacy for this LRM - and wondered if anyone has had successful representation in appealing for CHC funding please with - if so would you mind PM'ing me about this? It seems a bit of a minefield out there. Beacon seem good - but obviously want to make sure we've got the best chance when spending out on this. Any advice or recommenations (private message) very welcome. Many thanks in advance. Best regards, Ju 😀


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
Hi @jurstar, did Beacon represent your relative at the MDT assessment? If so, then it may be best to stick with them as they'll already have good knowledge of your relatives needs. I have no experience of Beacon but others on the forum may be able to give an opinion. I used the solicitors who also run the site.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2022
This week has ended well with the Fast Track application. I had to clarify that no one other than me has to be informed in relation to the power of attorney. This evening discussions started about the nursing home selection. I think that all is now moving full steam ahead.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
This week has ended well with the Fast Track application. I had to clarify that no one other than me has to be informed in relation to the power of attorney. This evening discussions started about the nursing home selection. I think that all is now moving full steam ahead.
Look after yourself, take some time off, start again refreshed on Monday.


New member
Apr 21, 2024
We applied for both my Mother and my Father in Law. Mum was extremely compliant despite her dementia, had good skin condition, ate her food when it was prepared for her, took her meds when offered them. The assessor came with a very clear 'you are not going to get through' and we didn't. My Father in Law was extremely malnourished despite eating lots (40kg), had awful skin issues, a history of falls, various psychotic episodes, refused to take meds or took too many etc etc. The assessor was very definitely of the 'let's see if he qualifies' approach - the first section I'd scored as Medium, they said 'oh no, its high' and we went on from there. He received CHC funding to end of life, 24 hour live in care at home for 18 months. We were really helped along the way by the team at Care to be Different and I learnt a lot from their book and blog. We also paid for an online discussion session with their expert nurse and it was worth its wait in gold in terms of how to approach the assessment etc. Keep fighting everyone!


New member
Apr 21, 2024
This week has ended well with the Fast Track application. I had to clarify that no one other than me has to be informed in relation to the power of attorney. This evening discussions started about the nursing home selection. I think that all is now moving full steam ahead.
Care can be in the individual's home, it doesn't have to be in a nursing home. We had 24 hour live in care at home for my Father in Law, which meant he was able to stay at home, surrounded by all his familiar things and his much loved dog.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2022
Care can be in the individual's home, it doesn't have to be in a nursing home. We had 24 hour live in care at home for my Father in Law, which meant he was able to stay at home, surrounded by all his familiar things and his much loved dog.
Thank you, Jennie.

Notwithstanding all of the current traumas, a very pleasant nursing home has been selected for my mother (subject to routine NHS approval), and the NHS has confirmed that it will meet all costs.


Registered User
Aug 5, 2022
Fast Track took 14 days from meeting with the consultant to my mother reaching the nursing home. The NHS has been spot-on, and the nursing home is of a five-star standard.

My mother is very confused and does not even recall moving from the hospital to the nursing home.

Thank you all in this forum for your help in getting me through the last fortnight.


New member
Apr 27, 2024

My mum is in a residential dementia unit. The CHC process was started back in November last year, but keeps getting delayed as they won't progress it if there are ever changes to pills etc.

Thought we were getting somewhere, but now I'm told that CHC funding is only if you're in a nursing dementia unit, not residential, regardless of scores - and that it's more for 'end of life care'. My mum scores highly on the checklist (except skin and breathing), and from my understanding of the DST, she would do on that too.

The current care home say she may have to move as they really struggle with her, but like her and want to delay that as long as possible (she's already had to move once before).

I cannot find anything online saying you cannot qualify if you are in a residential unit. Has anybody else heard of this? Obviously nursing units are usually going to be worse off people, but I don't believe it's a rule.

Any experience or knowledge appreciated.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
Thought we were getting somewhere, but now I'm told that CHC funding is only if you're in a nursing dementia unit, not residential, regardless of scores - and that it's more for 'end of life care'.
Who told you this?
It's completely incorrect. CHC can be awarded irrespective of a persons location. So whether you're in residential, nursing or even your own home you can be awarded it. It is not just for end of life, it is for anyone with a primary health need.

The CHC process was started back in November last year, but keeps getting delayed as they won't progress it if there are ever changes to pills etc.
They should not be doing this. It's a tactic used by some ICB's to delay things. They will try to say a person is not 'medically optimised' and they can't progress until they are. It's a tactic they tried with us and we had to write to mums MP to get a resolution. Ask them where in the National Framework Guidance does it state that any medication changes should result in a delay.

Are you in England, Wales or Scotland?

The CHC National Framework Guidance for England is at the following link. It sets out how the CHC process should be followed and eligibilty criteria:

AgeUK also have a useful FAQ:



Registered User
Jan 25, 2023

My mum is in a residential dementia unit. The CHC process was started back in November last year, but keeps getting delayed as they won't progress it if there are ever changes to pills etc.

Thought we were getting somewhere, but now I'm told that CHC funding is only if you're in a nursing dementia unit, not residential, regardless of scores - and that it's more for 'end of life care'. My mum scores highly on the checklist (except skin and breathing), and from my understanding of the DST, she would do on that too.

The current care home say she may have to move as they really struggle with her, but like her and want to delay that as long as possible (she's already had to move once before).

I cannot find anything online saying you cannot qualify if you are in a residential unit. Has anybody else heard of this? Obviously nursing units are usually going to be worse off people, but I don't believe it's a rule.

Any experience or knowledge appreciated.
Hi. As @Dave63 has already stated, CHC can be awarded in any setting. However, if CHC is awarded, and the person is a care home resident, the Integrated Care Board (ICB) enter into a contract with that care home. If the ICB is not satisfied that the care home cannot meet the person's needs, they may suggest that the person is moved to a home that can. This happened with my mum and, although it was a very daunting prospect to move mum, it has worked out for the best and she is receiving much better care. The ICB did give me the option of leaving mum where she was, which was a residential care home, but I decided that moving mum to a nursing dementia unit would be better for her.


Registered User
Jan 24, 2024
How do the different types of funding work,is it possible to have all care funded along with what they call hotel costs or does everyone in a care setting/nursing home always have to pay for the hotel costs/food and board?


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Restricting answer to CHC.
The concept of hotel costs relates to the 2011 Dilnot report where there were 2 financial caps, a lifetime cap on care and an annual cap on hotel costs.
None of the financial proposals have made legislation, a review is due by Oct 2025.

Currently CHC can be provided in a residential home with all costs covered or at home with care costs covered with, unlike residential care, AA not forfeited

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