Changing behaviour about food?


Registered User
Aug 6, 2013
BC Canada
One of the things that I find useful about this forum is having somewhere to "vent". I do talk to friends as well, but this forum is supportive and anonymous at the same time!!

As for food, I can't get Bridget to eat. Her latest is pizza. So it is often pizza twice a day. Fortunately, they are on sale this week so I stocked up! I've tried a more balanced approach which doesn't work so now if she eats, I'm happy! It doesn't help me with a balanced diet.

Sorry you feel disloyal. I hope you are able to get th support you need!

Ok - vent over - I feel bad again discussing this but darned if I know where else to go. Can anyone say if they have experienced this type of behaviour ? It's getting worse I think. :eek:[/QUOTE]


Registered User
Mar 16, 2013

Hi Frangipani. My husband was recently diagnosed with MCI (minor cognitive impairment) and I totally know where you are coming from with the 'is it me?' stuff. I spent so long thinking the same thing that I literally heaved a sigh of relief when it turned out that the neuropsychiatric tests had shown a problem. Something which rang a bell with me re your post on eating changes was this. During the tests the neuropsych. man took a very keen interest in whether my husband's appetite had changed in any way either in preferences or overeating. It hadn't but I just thought this might be of interest to you. Best wishes. H x
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