CBD Oil - help please


Registered User
Feb 25, 2022
I checked with my Mum's GP and they said they have no experience with it and as it isn't listed on the BNF for interactions as no recent studies have taken place. They told me to contact the memory clinic. The clinic have said it will be ok to use with my Mum's 10mg of Donepezil ( she is on no other medication).
My questions are:
1. How do you use it and how much ?
2. Any recommended brands to use or avoid ?
3. Any ingredients that I should look for ?
4. When should I use it ?
5. Low strength or high strength?

I apologise if these seem like silly questions

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @theunknown777

I take CBD oil in capsule form for arthritis. I take a few other supplements for arthritis too and hesitate to recommend it or advise because I'm not sure how much it is helping.

I have spent years trying to avoid a knee replacement and whatever I take is still controlling the pain but it`s impossible to gauge how much CBD oil capsules add to the benefit.

If the memory clinic has OKed it for your mum, I suggest you try it in capsule form which is easier to manage but don`t expect miracles.

Good luck


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
You can certainly try it but it doesn't cure anything. Dementia is incurable anyway and will progress whatever you do.

Fewer calories than cake though, which probably works equally well.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2022
I know one or two people who take CBD (far aches and pains, not dementia) and they swear by it.
Personally I'm very sceptical. I'm sure if there was anything truly beneficial in it the research scientists would know about it by now and it would be made available.
A tv programme discussed it briefly a few months ago. They reported that there are 3 elements to the chemicals found in the canabis plant : 1. the part which gives the "high". 2. the part which can be prescribed by GP's only for certain ailments. 3. the part used in CBD oil which so far hasn't been proven to be of any physical benefit.