New member
May 21, 2024
I've looked through many A UK booklets after being diagnosed with MCI, but none of them mention chemicals passing through the brain blood barrier, which is a known fact for certain conditiions. I'm VERY surprised research has not come up with this... unless I've missed something?
I'm wondering why A UK has no findings on this.
Add to that the more recent discovery of 240,000 microplastics in bottled water...


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome from me and I'm sure us all, you ask an interesting question it's something I read up about a while ago.
The problem I have with it is that I've been eating pretty much the same diet as my wife since we got together in 1976, she got early onset AZ something over 10 years ago, she's now passed away but, I'm still sat here eating and drinking the same diet posting on here.
I will and I think all of us as we age do slow down a bit both mentally and physically but at different rates just genetics I've always thought, hell I'll be 70 next year, how did that happen? I also have neighbours younger than I've know for years so we all live in the same environment, drink the same water, breath the same air some of them can hardly remember the way home from the local shop.
I hope this research goes somewhere but it's a bit late for all of us who've been consuming the stuff all our lives, hopefully not let's see. K


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Hi @AnnMJ and welcome to the forum. You mention microplastics. There was something on the media a couple of days ago about scientists discovering microplastics in testicles (apologies to anyone having lunch 😒). Post mortems revealed plastics about the size of a sesame seed in each gonad (they dissolved them in acid - the plastic was left over).

It crossed my mind about the effect microplastics in the brain could have.
If anyone's interested -,-Volodymyr%20Zakharov%2FGetty&text=Whether%20it's%20our%20bloodstream%2C%20brain,reproductive%20organs%20are%20no%20exception.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
The World Health Organisation did some research too and don't seem to see it as a problem. I don't know, I'm no scientist but they are I just wish they agreed. K