Carer can't get in when Mum leaves key in the door


Registered User
Apr 7, 2021
Hi everyone - I hope you're all doing OK today. I hav an challenge and I don't know if there is a solution for it but here goes....

My Mum has Alzheimers and lives alone at the mo - she has regular visitors and carers - however she's recently not been waking up till late and this is causing issues when the carers need to get access. Mum leaves her key in the door and doesn't feel well enough to get out of bed - so although I have a key store it can't be used with a key in the other side.

Does anyone have any suggestions about what I can do? is there a miracle door where you can have 2 keys in the same time?

I'd love to hear any ideas as I don't think this is going to go away.

Many thanks


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum.

I’m sorry to hear you’re having this issue re the lock. I wondered if it would be possible to change the lock to another type which doesn’t require a key inside to lock it. My total lack of practical knowledge prevents me from really knowing if this is a possibility! I looked it up and found something called a thumb turn lock. This is just one site I found - I’m not recommending the site but just posting it as an example -



Registered User
Aug 9, 2015
North West
Hi everyone - I hope you're all doing OK today. I hav an challenge and I don't know if there is a solution for it but here goes....

My Mum has Alzheimers and lives alone at the mo - she has regular visitors and carers - however she's recently not been waking up till late and this is causing issues when the carers need to get access. Mum leaves her key in the door and doesn't feel well enough to get out of bed - so although I have a key store it can't be used with a key in the other side.

Does anyone have any suggestions about what I can do? is there a miracle door where you can have 2 keys in the same time?

I'd love to hear any ideas as I don't think this is going to go away.

Many thanks
I had this problem with my mum, she would go to bed having left the key in the door. I got a locksmith to change the lock so if she left the key in I could still open it from the outside.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
You can get Thumb Key Locks which do not have a key on the inside but which still enable the door to be locked. This might help resolve the issue. However I believe that you have to let your insurer know if you are installing them.


Registered User
Apr 7, 2021
I had this problem with my mum, she would go to bed having left the key in the door. I got a locksmith to change the lock so if she left the key in I could still open it from the outside.
oh wow that is exactly what I need - I will contact a local locksmith - and thank you


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
You can get Thumb Key Locks which do not have a key on the inside but which still enable the door to be locked. This might help resolve the issue. However I believe that you have to let your insurer know if you are installing them.
When replacing euro cylinder it's better to spend a bit more and get a certified SoldSecure one, preferably Diamond standard


Some insurers don't like exit doors to be easily opened, get in through small opening, open exit door for quick easy exit with loot.
On the other hand emergency services don't like people searching for a key to get out quickly.


Registered User
Apr 19, 2020
Hi everyone - I hope you're all doing OK today. I hav an challenge and I don't know if there is a solution for it but here goes....

My Mum has Alzheimers and lives alone at the mo - she has regular visitors and carers - however she's recently not been waking up till late and this is causing issues when the carers need to get access. Mum leaves her key in the door and doesn't feel well enough to get out of bed - so although I have a key store it can't be used with a key in the other side.

Does anyone have any suggestions about what I can do? is there a miracle door where you can have 2 keys in the same time?

I'd love to hear any ideas as I don't think this is going to go away.

Many thanks
Could you perhaps only give your mum a key for one or the other, back door or front door for her to use. And the carers only use the opposite door? That way your mum wouldn’t have a key for their door and they wouldn’t have a key for her door?

try again

Registered User
Jun 21, 2018
I changed mums lock to a thumbnail one as she was forever doing this quite early on. You'd get no answer on the phone , rush round and find you couldn't get in to see if she was ok. It was a nightmare.
Luckily it was early enough for her to adjust to not needing a key on the inside as I replaced it when her purse and key was lost/pinched when she was able to go out on her own.


New member
Dec 14, 2023
West Midlands
I solved this issue by buying a new cylinder that allows you to open the lock from one side even if the other key is in the lock. It comes with 5 keys so now several family members can check on my mum.

I can't post links yet as I'm too new, but this is the name and model: Yale YC2100 Double-Entry Lock Cylinder

For any door with a eurocylinder lock it's a simple case of taking out the existing eurocylinder barrel to measure it (so you've got the correct length) thenwhen it arrives just slot the new barrel in and do up the screw. The whole fitting process took less than 5 minutes and I'm not a DIYer!

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