Carehome mangled Ma's friends hands...


Registered User
Jun 7, 2022
Hope this is okay to post for a lady that does not have access to this site (or wants anything to do with technology) .

I was visiting Ma today and as I was leaving saw the daughter of Ma's friend sitting next to her Mum clearly upset.
Apparently her Mum was signed up for a manicure service and they mangled the poor lady's hands. The nails were cut so short they were red and raw. The lady had dementia and couldn't articulate that they hurt but kept squeezing her hands.

I told the daughter to let the staff know as obviously the manicurist were not qualified. She did and the staff said - well, they didn't know how short she usually has them 🙈

She is going to write to the manager and tell her that she does not want that service for her mum anymore. I was also initially told that the staff do that (cut nails) but this new manicure service is a paid for thing so that's why they are doing it.

Anyway, is there anything else that she needs to do? I told her to take pictures (that's what I would do). I'm also going to make sure that these butchers don't come near my Ma. Just want to make sure that she's on the right track.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Well you're on the site so it's ok hello and welcome from me.
Where the hell do people like that come from if the home will do nail care for free, surely the family must have asked or agreed to pay for it.
If she went in with free nail care then the home contracts it out as a paid for service done badly then the issue is with the care home and it's for them to deal with their sub contractors, not you. What a world of...mess. K