Care Homes in Thailand


New member
Jun 21, 2024
0, an update. Mother-in-law is now out in Thailand. My husband and his sister stayed with her whilst she settled in, albeit at arms length, to enable the her to get used to her carer / other staff. She has her own one-on-one person and there are other residents with a range of conditions (from dementia to able minded/bodied). The airline that flew them out could not have been better and the home itself - well, it would be unfair to compare it to the one she left. The new home even offered to install cameras so my hubbie and his sister can 'check in' with how she's doing (they turned that offer down 😆) Happy for anyone to message, should you want info/updates. We plan on going there Christmas time to see her.
I would love to speak with you about your experience thus far. I am debating taking my mother to Thailand as she is so terribly unhappy in the home in which she is currently living. If you could direct message me, I would appreciate it! Thank you!


Registered User
Aug 6, 2023
Well done for getting this sorted and for reporting the news here.

I’d love to know more.

I’m hoping my wife and I can take a break in Tailand and stay short term at a care home to check it all out. Any tips or clues to anything involved would be most welcome


Registered User
Apr 25, 2022
I am interested and was thinking about this option in my country. The facilities are like hotels if you can afford it and have got families there but I could not leave him in Thailand a country or any other countries for cheaper fees. This is not going to happen in my case as he has told me he does not want to go and live there even when he was younger and in good health he only went there to see his now deceased parents. It’s a tropical island and for £2000 a month he could have a nice en-suite room but medical health care is not private. I am still considering but it will have to be when he lost capacity and against his wishes. Morally should I do it as he has told me he does want to live there and this has not been discussed with as he does not think he will require to be in a care. Am thinking of my options am 76 with health issues, osteoarthritis to most joints and pain 24/7. Should he need care I will not be able to look after him, my sister told me at home, I will have more support. This means I will have to re locate to my homeland. I have only got two adult children here and one grandson. The reason a, thinking about it is I will not be able to afford the monthly fees here more than £6000 a month. He has funding for approx 1 yr. We are not yet there as he has not been officially diagnosed yet and is still highly functional during the day but has episodes if confusion during the night.


New member
Jun 1, 2023
I would love to speak with you about your experience thus far. I am debating taking my mother to Thailand as she is so terribly unhappy in the home in which she is currently living. If you could direct message me, I would appreciate it! Thank you!
Happy to share info! Please let me know if there is anything specific - she's still out there, so I will do another update in a couple of days when off work.


New member
Jun 1, 2023
I am interested and was thinking about this option in my country. The facilities are like hotels if you can afford it and have got families there but I could not leave him in Thailand a country or any other countries for cheaper fees. This is not going to happen in my case as he has told me he does not want to go and live there even when he was younger and in good health he only went there to see his now deceased parents. It’s a tropical island and for £2000 a month he could have a nice en-suite room but medical health care is not private. I am still considering but it will have to be when he lost capacity and against his wishes. Morally should I do it as he has told me he does want to live there and this has not been discussed with as he does not think he will require to be in a care. Am thinking of my options am 76 with health issues, osteoarthritis to most joints and pain 24/7. Should he need care I will not be able to look after him, my sister told me at home, I will have more support. This means I will have to re locate to my homeland. I have only got two adult children here and one grandson. The reason a, thinking about it is I will not be able to afford the monthly fees here more than £6000 a month. He has funding for approx 1 yr. We are not yet there as he has not been officially diagnosed yet and is still highly functional during the day but has episodes if confusion during the night.
Where's your country, Jan48?