care home


Registered User
Feb 11, 2023
After a bit of a crisis with Robert he is now in a EMI care car home with nursing, it could be respite or a permanent stay not sure yet, the first day he set off the fire alarms and kept wanting to go home. Have rung each morning to check on him but the advice is to leave for a few days so he can settle. I realise this and even though of cause I miss him will take their advice. Have ordered a small TV for his room as he is not that social so hope it helps. My question is will they say if going home would be the wrong thing or if a permanent stay is better he will be council funded. He went in 3 days ago and will maybe see him around 3 days it is pet friendly would it help if I take our dog ? I would be grateful with any advice as this seems so hard!!!!


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Don't say you're going home just say you're going shopping, to work off to visit a friend or whatever.
Love lies are what we call it on here. Home to him is should be where he is, not where you're going back to.
Home is where the heart is and I'm sure yours is in the right place. K


Registered User
Jan 13, 2024
I'm sure he will settle soon and I'm sure you do miss him - it's hard.
As for ongoing care, as he will be council funded, there will be a social worker assessment (you should be consulted as well) as to what his ongoing needs are likely to be. They will hope to discharge him, with an appropriate care package, as it's cheaper than residential care. However, if they feel that care home is really needed then they will fund that - but only the cheapest one they can find or you are prepared to pay a "top up" fee. So the decision is largely out of your hands unless you absolutely disagree with them and fight the decision.


Registered User
Feb 11, 2023
I'm sure he will settle soon and I'm sure you do miss him - it's hard.
As for ongoing care, as he will be council funded, there will be a social worker assessment (you should be consulted as well) as to what his ongoing needs are likely to be. They will hope to discharge him, with an appropriate care package, as it's cheaper than residential care. However, if they feel that care home is really needed then they will fund that - but only the cheapest one they can find or you are prepared to pay a "top up" fee. So the decision is largely out of your hands unless you absolutely disagree with them and fight the decision.
I do think they will find it hard to find another home that will take him as 2 other homes rejected him due to aggression and wandering so all I can do is wait and see or as you say he will come home with a care package how that will cover his aggression and wandering is another question?


Registered User
Jan 13, 2024
If he is being aggressive and wandering and you don't feel either he and / or you are safe at home this needs to be flagged up (if it hasn't been already) with the social worker. You are quite within your rights to say that you don't want him home, you will not look after him.