Care home records


New member
Jan 24, 2024
My Mum was in a Care Home and I knew she was suffering from Drug Delirium, but she was diagnosed with Dementia by our local hospital. I had a battle with the Care Home to reduce her drugs but eventually I called in an outside GP who did reduce her Meds and she started to rally. This was fine for a while but then another GP took over her care and put her back on the old regime even increasing her dosage - she was demented for months - we complained - the staff in the Care Home complained but the doctor would not stop - we called in Specialists twice to confirm that Mum never had Dementia only drug Delirium but despite these reports the GP would not stop, after nearly 2 years of battling Mum had 2 falls and the second one resulted in a bleed on the brain. She never came around from her coma and died 3 weeks later. The GP insisted she died of advanced Dementia, I refuted this and ordered a Post Mortem, Mum had no Dementia .. I am now trying to get her Medical records but the Care Home doesn't have them and the GP involved has put in writing that my Mum was not a patient of hers. I have her care home fees in an account but will not release them until they give me some resolution. Is this a breach in their Duty of Care ?


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
@shrimdar , this sounds so difficult for you to cope with and an appalling way for the medical persons involved to have conducted themselves.
I can only suggest that you seek legal advice from a solicitor who specialises in medical malpractice.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @shrimdar and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to hear about your mum. I don't think we are able here to give an opinion on the issues you raise. It certainly sounds as though you may need specialist legal advice. I do wonder though what form the 'resolution' you are looking for will take and whether it will ease your loss in any way. If your mum had outstanding fees to pay for her time in the home I don't see any grounds for not releasing the funds.


New member
Jan 24, 2024
Hi .. I recognise that Mum was cared for, but the Medical Team breached their Duty of Care to my poor Mum, they did not protect her from the obvious harm that they were causing her, the staff at the Care Home alerted the Council, the Council admitted that they knew of the concerns raised but they failed to stop the GP over medicating my mum. The Council only care about money they have failed to respond to our complaint, I have nothing to bargain with if I release the funds.


Registered User
Oct 21, 2019
Your anger and frustration comes through so clearly.

I feel very sorry for you, the loss of a beloved parent is bad enough, without this extra burden.

I worry that this will go through the courts and you will end up with your credit record damaged, perhaps you are of an age you won’t need a mortgage or other loan in the future? But harming yourself won’t help anyone.

Did your mum have any type of head scan in the last few years? Because if one exists with any plaques tangles or anything else you are not going to get very far,

I wonder about requesting counselling for yourself? Maybe you are screaming ‘that's not what I want’ just reading the suggestion ? But speak to someone who has experienced it. If it did or didn’t work, all it will cost you is a little wasted time!

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