care home problems


Registered User
Sep 28, 2014
Hello, my brother who has just turned 66 has been diagnosed with alzheimer's/dementia.
He was admitted to a short stay hospital for assessment and is now way past his discharge date. My sister-in-law and niece have been trying unsuccessfully to find him
a care home. My brother is not too bad normally, wandering and lying on the floor but gets very
agitated when the carers need to dress or clean him. This is the main reason why no
care home in their area will place him. As distressing as the diagnosis was, not being able to find a good home makes it far worse and worrying for my brothers' future. His social worker and
hospital doctor have told my s-in-l that he will have to go to a place a three and a half hour bus..Any helpful suggestions please ?
ride away


Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
Hello. Welcome to TP.
I am sorry to hear about your brother.

I have no experience with this, but couldn't just red and run.
Others will be along later today , who I am sure will be able to help.

If you are in the uk these may be able to help you

You will find the Alzheimer's national helpline here

Admiral Nurses national helpline

A factsheet on here about Hospital discharge procedures they should follow
I believe family being able to visit , is one of the priorities.

I hope you find them helpful
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Registered User
Jul 14, 2006
South Staffordshire
Hello Shedragon and welcome to the forum.

The behaviour your brother is ahowing is not unusual for someone with dementia and should not be a problem to a care home that cares for dementia sufferers.

Have you contacted Social Services, they supplied us with a list of care homes and so did the assessment unit my husband was in. I also went on-line and found some to add to those we were given. Dementia care homes sometimes go under the name of EMI care homes so try looking those up.

If there are no homes available then unfortunately you will have to widen your search area but you can stand firm as to how far that circle is expected to go. Your brother, if placed too far away will be denied frequent visits from family and friends and that is wrong.

I hope you can find a care home that will suit your brother's needs and your needs,

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