Car suggestions please


New member
Jul 16, 2023
My wife has dementia and is disabled (in that she cannot maintain her balance so needs help transferring between chair/wheelchair/toilet/bed.) We have various pieces of assistance equipment (Rotunda/ Sarah Steady etc which help with most transfers but not in/out of the car). Our current car has quite high front seats which we normally transfer to by standing up from the wheelchair and taking 'baby steps' to turn through 90% and then sit on the edge of the seat and then push over the lip of the seat and then turn 90% on the seat. This does not always work very well and can end up with my wife sitting on the door cill. I am looking for any suggestions about a different car that would make transfers more easy (perhaps with a sliding door?) Thanks
I have considered various aids for handles attached to the car door but my wife doesn't understand what/when to hold on to. '


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
My s in law has a Ford BMax with a sliding back door .it does make access easier.

i had a Nissan note- big plus was that back seat slid forward


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Tangent.

Although my husband had more mobility than your wife, getting in and out of the passenger seat of a car was a nightmare. I tried all sorts of swivel accessories but none were really successful. I tried a handle attached to the door but as you suggested he couldn’t understand what it was for.

I wondered if you would consider a wheelchair accessible car -

Alternatively there are some suggestions in this old thread-