Can physical illness cause dementure to worsen and will it get better


New member
Jun 10, 2024
I am new on here my partner recently caught a stomach bug was taken into hospital,and up to then he wasnt too bad but as time went by and he was still in hospital he became aggressive ,i wondered if this will stop when he comes home


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
My Mum had ‘hospital delirium’ really badly. She was much more calm once she was back at home, but her dementia had taken a big step on.

Things like physical illness, a new environment, unfamiliar routines, pain, and fright, can all adversely effect dementia. An unexpected hospital stay will sadly include all of those.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome to the forum @sylvo

Yes physical illness or any infection, even what seems to be the most inoffensive infection, can affect dementia .

You may need to wait until your husband is infection free, and then a while longer to know whether this change is permanent or temporary.

It`s tough I know

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
Hospital admission and infection are two major red flags with dementia and we've had both. Mum did improve but not to the level that she was prior to admission.

The best thing that I did was to get permission to take Mum out of the ward and walk her around the hospital grounds. Due to your partner's aggression, this may not be possible but it may be worth asking.


New member
Jun 10, 2024
TI am new on here my partner recently caught a stomach bug was taken into hospital,and up to then he wasnt too bad but as time went by and he was still in hospital he became aggressive ,i wondered if this will stop when he comes home
Thankyou for that information, its really hard when visiting he wants to come home all the time, hes never been aggressive to thst extent at home ,hes been there 3w eeks and is having new medication i hope that he


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
So sorry this is happening to you. Mum suffered greatly in hospital with delirium, worse because visiting wasn’t allowed due to COVID restrictions. Once home and recovering we didn’t see any of the hallucinations present in hospital. Did take a few months though. I wish you both good outcomes x