Boring update post warning.


Registered User
Nov 26, 2018
Portsmouth, South Coast
Phew! What a couple of weeks it's been.

Had initial visit from the RBL Admiral Nurse who'll be coming back again in three weeks. She mentioned she'd contact the OT's and Physios (more of that later) and try and gee up the Care Needs Assessment I'm waiting on. I found it rather sad that for her purposes she judged my OH to be without capacity.

The Mental Health nurse from the memory clinic has visited and we've spoken several times on the phone for updates in the ever changing situation and to agree changes to my OH's medication for Olanzapine. Today, it was decided to stick with lower dose so the Memory Clinic emailed a script to my local Pharmacy.

My OH has been quite poorly since Friday. His mobility has declined and tonight (Wednesday/early Thursday am) will be our third night sleeping on the sofas downstairs. (Thank the stars for waterproof mattress covers, puppy pads, pull ups plus a spare pack of microfibre cloths as morning clean ups have to take place in the kitchen. Not best but needs must.) I sat up all night Monday, but last night (Tuesday) was better prepped and had the best night's sleep in an age. All curled up, fully dressed, under an old blanket off cut. Funny ol' world, innit. I'm spoiling myself tonight with a proper blanket, a pillow and a real nightie.

Called doctors' surgery yesterday and Duty GP made a home visit. She could find no signs of any underlying infection causing the mobilty problems and very reduced responses but said she'd make an urgent referral to the OT's and Physio. Well, knock me down with a feather! Both services contacted me today. Physio is calling Friday and we're 'on the list' for OT's. That GP is surely a force to be contended with! She managed to convince me to accept some 'happy pills' to help me chill out a bit and has also referred to the local Social Prescribers. Today I got a text from them saying they'd contact shortly. I'll try and get the happy pills tomorrow if possible. Also discussed DNR for OH and, bless her, she's arranging the requisite forms for me to collect when I go for my regular blood test next week. Like the Admiral Nurse she judged my OH to be without capacity. That's two people in a week with the same opinion. Knocked me back a bit to be honest but it needs an objective and informed view, neither of which I have.

This morning, after a night of little cough-coughs, my OH was a bit chesty (nasty green stuff that I won't bore you with). Following a quick telephone conversation with the Respiratory Nurse at the GP surgery I started my OH on his rescue pack antibiotics. She said she's send another script to the Pharmacy so I'd still have a pack in hand.

This evening my good neighbour, who works in the Pharmacy, delivered the Olanzapine AND the antibiotics. Considering the scripts were only received by them today this left me amazed. I'd say gobsmacked but that's not a pleasant expression, is it?

Anyway, there's been other stuff as well, including yet another visit from the boys and girls in blue, flat refusal to accept meds, food and drink, then much spitting out of half chewed meds and quite a bit of ducking and diving but on the whole ... it's manageable.

I'm considering changing the 2 x 2 hour sitter visits to 2 x 3 hour visits as two hours a time isn't really useful. Our fairly regular sitter won't be available to us once school term starts. Unless we get a new 'regular' (preferably with Dementia care experience) I have to try to introduce them to my OH then spend time updating them on the latest before dashing out to the shops. The two hours quickly reduces to an hour and a half and I'm under pressure to return ASAP - you get the picture. Just to add to the mix my OH's needs have changed so dramatically over the last 12 months I'm not even sure the Agency would consider it a simple 'sit' any longer.

There's a little bugbear and that's the fact the GP suggested a bed downstairs for my OH and that's what the Physios think they're looking at. Well, there IS a bed downstairs, cunningly disguised as a three seater leather sofa on which he's currently flat out and snoring his head off. The whole downstairs of our home is open - no little spare room that can be converted to a bedroom and the bathroom's upstairs anyway with no chance of building a toilet/wetroom facility downstairs due to bizarre drainage and a myriad of other things that go with this old gaff. And anyway - if he slept downstairs who'd be there for him if he decided to get up in the night? But that's for another day. Until then, or until he decides he can conquer the stairs (he did this morning despite the fact that once in the bathroom he refused to use the loo) we'll fluff along as we are and make the best of it.

As always - onward and upward. Although it's the upward that's causing the downward right now. :)

Melles Belles

Registered User
Jul 4, 2017
South east
@AbbyGee the GP who visited sounds very effective. I’m so pleased your getting some help at last but I’m concerned that you have still had the thin blue line back to your home. I hope the new meds work and he calms down because you just can’t carry on like this. Sending you a virtual hug.

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
Ah AbbyGee you are so strong and doing such an amazing job! Such grace under pressure. Do look after yourself, I hope you get on okay with your meds and that they help you to get through these difficult times. Antidepressants have certainly helped me through some dark times. Sending love xxx

My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
If your OH has to sleep downstairs for the foreseeable future, you could put a pressure mat next to him and go upstairs to bed.


Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
AbbyGee - you are never boring - strong , resilient , caring and keeping your sense of humour- I am sure you inspire many of us to do our best.

Glad to hear you are getting response from the professionals - it doesn’t take the situation away but to know others are helping or at least trying to is worth a lot.

Keep going amazing lady!


Registered User
May 28, 2022
Oh AbbyGee, what a difficult post to read. Please tell me who is looking out for you. Do you have family or friends who are able to take you out for a coffee while a carer is looking after your husband?


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
If that's a 'boring' update goodness knows what a non boring one would be.

Over time on DTP I read threads where partners can do a lot more than children of PWD to keep them at home, which is perfectly understandable, but all your recent posts seem to be one straw away from breaking the camel's back.

Please try and put in place some daytime care for your partner to give yourself a break away and time to recharge.

The visits by the blue flashing light brigade are not normal even in the world of dementia, however much light you make of it, and you need to have plans to keep yourself safe and maybe what you can cope with, as a managed move into care is better than an unmanaged one via A & E.

Please sort out downstairs living in the least worst form you can manage, however compromised, ASAP, my MIL has managed the last decade on flannel washes (her shower is broken and she won't get it fixed) .

You are one amazing woman - don't forget that.

annieka 56

Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
Phew! What a couple of weeks it's been.

Had initial visit from the RBL Admiral Nurse who'll be coming back again in three weeks. She mentioned she'd contact the OT's and Physios (more of that later) and try and gee up the Care Needs Assessment I'm waiting on. I found it rather sad that for her purposes she judged my OH to be without capacity.

The Mental Health nurse from the memory clinic has visited and we've spoken several times on the phone for updates in the ever changing situation and to agree changes to my OH's medication for Olanzapine. Today, it was decided to stick with lower dose so the Memory Clinic emailed a script to my local Pharmacy.

My OH has been quite poorly since Friday. His mobility has declined and tonight (Wednesday/early Thursday am) will be our third night sleeping on the sofas downstairs. (Thank the stars for waterproof mattress covers, puppy pads, pull ups plus a spare pack of microfibre cloths as morning clean ups have to take place in the kitchen. Not best but needs must.) I sat up all night Monday, but last night (Tuesday) was better prepped and had the best night's sleep in an age. All curled up, fully dressed, under an old blanket off cut. Funny ol' world, innit. I'm spoiling myself tonight with a proper blanket, a pillow and a real nightie.

Called doctors' surgery yesterday and Duty GP made a home visit. She could find no signs of any underlying infection causing the mobilty problems and very reduced responses but said she'd make an urgent referral to the OT's and Physio. Well, knock me down with a feather! Both services contacted me today. Physio is calling Friday and we're 'on the list' for OT's. That GP is surely a force to be contended with! She managed to convince me to accept some 'happy pills' to help me chill out a bit and has also referred to the local Social Prescribers. Today I got a text from them saying they'd contact shortly. I'll try and get the happy pills tomorrow if possible. Also discussed DNR for OH and, bless her, she's arranging the requisite forms for me to collect when I go for my regular blood test next week. Like the Admiral Nurse she judged my OH to be without capacity. That's two people in a week with the same opinion. Knocked me back a bit to be honest but it needs an objective and informed view, neither of which I have.

This morning, after a night of little cough-coughs, my OH was a bit chesty (nasty green stuff that I won't bore you with). Following a quick telephone conversation with the Respiratory Nurse at the GP surgery I started my OH on his rescue pack antibiotics. She said she's send another script to the Pharmacy so I'd still have a pack in hand.

This evening my good neighbour, who works in the Pharmacy, delivered the Olanzapine AND the antibiotics. Considering the scripts were only received by them today this left me amazed. I'd say gobsmacked but that's not a pleasant expression, is it?

Anyway, there's been other stuff as well, including yet another visit from the boys and girls in blue, flat refusal to accept meds, food and drink, then much spitting out of half chewed meds and quite a bit of ducking and diving but on the whole ... it's manageable.

I'm considering changing the 2 x 2 hour sitter visits to 2 x 3 hour visits as two hours a time isn't really useful. Our fairly regular sitter won't be available to us once school term starts. Unless we get a new 'regular' (preferably with Dementia care experience) I have to try to introduce them to my OH then spend time updating them on the latest before dashing out to the shops. The two hours quickly reduces to an hour and a half and I'm under pressure to return ASAP - you get the picture. Just to add to the mix my OH's needs have changed so dramatically over the last 12 months I'm not even sure the Agency would consider it a simple 'sit' any longer.

There's a little bugbear and that's the fact the GP suggested a bed downstairs for my OH and that's what the Physios think they're looking at. Well, there IS a bed downstairs, cunningly disguised as a three seater leather sofa on which he's currently flat out and snoring his head off. The whole downstairs of our home is open - no little spare room that can be converted to a bedroom and the bathroom's upstairs anyway with no chance of building a toilet/wetroom facility downstairs due to bizarre drainage and a myriad of other things that go with this old gaff. And anyway - if he slept downstairs who'd be there for him if he decided to get up in the night? But that's for another day. Until then, or until he decides he can conquer the stairs (he did this morning despite the fact that once in the bathroom he refused to use the loo) we'll fluff along as we are and make the best of it.

As always - onward and upward. Although it's the upward that's causing the downward right now. :)

annieka 56

Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
Your post was very inspiring to read.

You sound like a remarkable and admirable person, going through these challenges but still able to construct such a helpful post with some good dark humour too.

I hope all the help available somehow comes together to make life a bit easier for you x


Registered User
Nov 26, 2018
Portsmouth, South Coast
Oh AbbyGee, what a difficult post to read. Please tell me who is looking out for you. Do you have family or friends who are able to take you out for a coffee while a carer is looking after your husband?
I use the 'sitter' two hour visits to go grocery shopping, pick up meds, dental appointments etc. It may not be an exciting social calendar but it's OUT OUT OUT - all by my little old self! When my contact at The Carers' Centre is back at work on Monday I'll be asking for the sitting service to be increased to 2 x 3 hours visits which would be more useful.

We have no family for support. My immediate neighbours, who are all jolly good eggs, are younger and away at work during the day. The person who I consider to be my closest friend lives a short way along the road but she has full time caring responsibities of her own. However, we exchange texts most days and I keep up with the world through the magic of the internet.


Registered User
Nov 26, 2018
Portsmouth, South Coast
Physio visited today. She's ordered a commode and that's arriving tomorrow. Not nice but it beats the hell out of the current arrangement so long as I can persuade my OH to use it.

Physio is liaising with OT/Rehab Team to get a hospital bed, for the short term at least, until this chest infection is cleared. Once it's cleared and we're back on more level ground then longer-term needs can be properly assessed. If the bed comes then its arrival will have to be timed to coincide with the long sofa being picked up and taken to a nearby storage facility. Fun, fun, fun (not).

UPDATE as I type;
Just had phone call and I'll get a visit from rehab team in half an hour or so. Looking at some short-term daily support in the washing and dressing game. They'll bring a commode and see about a bed.

It's all happening and I'm in a whirl.