Blue Badge GP evidence not allowed


Registered User
Feb 1, 2024
I am applying for a blue badge for my 93 year old mum, who has dementia (moderate/severe) has sight impairment and is very deaf. She is still mobile but very slow and tottery. She is also tiny. Leading her safely eg tbrough a busy hospital car park is a nightmare as she is likely to dash off in the opposite direction if I let go of her arm for a moment. And she doesn’t like being touched …
I received the form which is straightforward. However in our area there’s a six page extra form at the back to be filled in by a social worker, teacher or nurse, but they emphasise NOT her GP. The information required is all about how she behaves in traffic, does she wander off etc etc. it’s basically a detailed risk assessment that could only be filled in by someone who had spent time with her out and about.
No such person exists except for me! She’s only seen her GP, who we aren’t allowed to ask, the nurse from the memory clinic who saw her for about an hour inside her house, and the psychiatrist who she saw at the hospital.
Who can I ask and has anyone else come across this? To be honest I feel quite cross. It seems designed to prevent us having something which would actually be useful and help me keep her safe - and heaven knows there’s little enough of that sort of thing around for people with dementia.


Registered User
Feb 1, 2024
Hmm not sure how much info we are supposed to give here as I am new … we are not in England or Wales or Noryhern Ireland though


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
It says if problem is related to difficulties in traffic not mobility you can't apply online, it has to be a paper application, and gives a dropdown list of councils.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Initially the person concerned is described as "slow and tottery" but then in the same paragraph is "likely to dash off in the opposite direction" if let go of, which box do you tick on the form for that?
Personally I think all carers should get a blue badge and thrown in free a gold medal from me.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
In 2010, before phycological difficulties were acknowledged, I got a statement from my wife's consultant psychiatrist to reverse a Blue Badge refusal.

Application for PWDs is much easier now.