Bedtime blues


Registered User
Mar 27, 2021
So for two or three weeks now, OH (mid-stage AD), has been having problems about going to bed at night. It started with just the odd night when he fell asleep on the sofa and I couldn't wake him up to go upstairs to bed. I left him downstairs as there nights were hot and he would come up to bed in the middle of the night. Then that became him not coming to bed all night and this became more regular. Then he started wandering round the house in the middle of the night, switching on lights and rummaging and making it impossible for me to sleep. One night he fell in the dining room at 3am and I helped him to bed but he got up at hourly intervals to go to the bathroom, so was clearly agitated. The problem has now become worse as some nights, he actually gets to the bedroom and gets undressed, then gets dressed again without getting into bed, and goes and sits in a chair somewhere else in the house. He refuses to move and will go to sleep there. Last night I woke up at 4am and found him sleeping with his head slouched forward, in a chair in the spare bedroom. He could have got into the bed there, if he didn't want to sleep in our bedroom. I have tried everything but I just can't work out what's going on. He seems to have an actual fear of going to bed. It's depriving us both of sleep. Does anyone have any suggestions please?


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hi @Dianej Unfortunately these issues with sleeping can arise during the mid-stages and as you say it makes things very difficult for the partner/carer. I would suggest that you contact his doctor and explain the issue, they might be able to suggest some meds to help.
I know that other members have had the same issues and found it really hard to deal with.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2023
Hello x yes my lb is 66 and last few weeks he refuses to go to bed It so wearing. Up down like a hyperactive giraffe bounding round our one bedroom flat (he’s 6 ft 3 )

I’m so tired I can never relax. We got new beds and he hallucinates that there’s a man inside the bed stabbing him as he sleeps

God help us all with this disgusting disease Lewy body


Registered User
Jun 25, 2023
Not easy, mines been going to bed later and later, after being sat in front of T.V. sleeping on and off. Although he insists he is just resting his eyes and not asleep, even though he sometimes snores lol.
He's actually just getting ready for bed now 1.20am. But at least he stays in bed all night. Gets up a lot later now though. His body clock seems to be altering, which I think I have read happens to others.
Wish we knew the answers to all the sleep problems Diane. Must be a nightmare if yours is up a lot and disturbing both of you. A good nights sleep is so important.


Registered User
Sep 9, 2020
He has been sleeping well up to then with mirtazapine
Not Lewy Body, but Mum had mirtazipine. Started at 15mg, then 30mg, then 45mg as things got worse. It did help,also quetiapine, and lorazepam was added when necessary. As @canary says, get GP to review.


Registered User
Jan 29, 2023
So for two or three weeks now, OH (mid-stage AD), has been having problems about going to bed at night. It started with just the odd night when he fell asleep on the sofa and I couldn't wake him up to go upstairs to bed. I left him downstairs as there nights were hot and he would come up to bed in the middle of the night. Then that became him not coming to bed all night and this became more regular. Then he started wandering round the house in the middle of the night, switching on lights and rummaging and making it impossible for me to sleep. One night he fell in the dining room at 3am and I helped him to bed but he got up at hourly intervals to go to the bathroom, so was clearly agitated. The problem has now become worse as some nights, he actually gets to the bedroom and gets undressed, then gets dressed again without getting into bed, and goes and sits in a chair somewhere else in the house. He refuses to move and will go to sleep there. Last night I woke up at 4am and found him sleeping with his head slouched forward, in a chair in the spare bedroom. He could have got into the bed there, if he didn't want to sleep in our bedroom. I have tried everything but I just can't work out what's going on. He seems to have an actual fear of going to bed. It's depriving us both of sleep. Does anyone have any suggestions please?
Can sympathise with your problem. My husband seems to prefer to sleep on the sofa and for a while I tried to encourage him to come to bed but he would often get up an hour later and get dressed. Most of the time I now leave him to sleep on the sofa deciding it isn't doing any harm as he then sleeps better. Down side is I used to put clean clothes out for the morning and he would just redress in those but now have to encourage him to change in the morning. We do sleep downstairs as OH not safe using stairs. I admit my sleep is disturbed but that was happening anyway. Unfortunately there will be behavioural changes and as carers we have to decide which ones we need to battle with and those we can just take in our stride and allow to happen. It is trying to keep my OH clean that I find the hardest thing to deal with although at the moment I can get him in the bath once a week with help of a bath lift..hoping to get bathroom converted to shower room soon. Not easy is it.