Back from a lovely break but feeling glum

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
This seems so ungrateful and unreasonable but I am just back from a weekend away with my three grown up daughters and feeling quite down to be back. A lot of people made an effort for this to happen, my daughters’ partners doing the childcare, my husband’s son coming from far away to look after him.
It was all really lovely getting away together, chatting, catching up, laughing, a few drinks, a nice meal, some DVDs…
Gosh it went so fast tho! And now I have to get used to my weird life here, juggling my husband’s bad moods and hospital appointments, and doing everything whilst he is mean and sulky. I feel like the plaster of a nice time has been ripped off. Hopefully I will feel the benefit looking back, but it just seems to have highlighted everything I have lost. Any thoughts on how to reframe it in my mind and feel the benefit? I realise many of you never get this sort of opportunity to have a break, and I am so sorry to moan!


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
This seems so ungrateful and unreasonable but I am just back from a weekend away with my three grown up daughters and feeling quite down to be back. A lot of people made an effort for this to happen, my daughters’ partners doing the childcare, my husband’s son coming from far away to look after him.
It was all really lovely getting away together, chatting, catching up, laughing, a few drinks, a nice meal, some DVDs…
Gosh it went so fast tho! And now I have to get used to my weird life here, juggling my husband’s bad moods and hospital appointments, and doing everything whilst he is mean and sulky. I feel like the plaster of a nice time has been ripped off. Hopefully I will feel the benefit looking back, but it just seems to have highlighted everything I have lost. Any thoughts on how to reframe it in my mind and feel the benefit? I realise many of you never get this sort of opportunity to have a break, and I am so sorry to moan!
i suppose its a bit of an anti-climax when you came home and reality settled in. do you have pictures you can look at of the time away? i keep a picture in my head that i can visualize when in need. ive no real advice other than remember the good time.

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
i suppose its a bit of an anti-climax when you came home and reality settled in. do you have pictures you can look at of the time away? i keep a picture in my head that i can visualize when in need. ive no real advice other than remember the good time.
❤️that’s a good idea, I have some pics to remind me


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
This seems so ungrateful and unreasonable but I am just back from a weekend away with my three grown up daughters and feeling quite down to be back. A lot of people made an effort for this to happen, my daughters’ partners doing the childcare, my husband’s son coming from far away to look after him.
It was all really lovely getting away together, chatting, catching up, laughing, a few drinks, a nice meal, some DVDs…
Gosh it went so fast tho! And now I have to get used to my weird life here, juggling my husband’s bad moods and hospital appointments, and doing everything whilst he is mean and sulky. I feel like the plaster of a nice time has been ripped off. Hopefully I will feel the benefit looking back, but it just seems to have highlighted everything I have lost. Any thoughts on how to reframe it in my mind and feel the benefit? I realise many of you never get this sort of opportunity to have a break, and I am so sorry to moan!
Hi @sapphire turner. That sounds to have been a lovely weekend (and understandable why you feel how you do). Although it may not be able to be on that scale, maybe try to arrange something else to look forward to. Even in more normal times, I always find that that helps. X

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
Yes that’s true, this weekend was planned for months but there are little breaks along the way that help as well. It was a big change from the usual grind so hard for both of us to readjust I suppose!


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
Yes that’s true, this weekend was planned for months but there are little breaks along the way that help as well. It was a big change from the usual grind so hard for both of us to readjust I suppose!
I know it’s not quite the same but even the best holidays (sometimes because they were so good), can give you the blues when they're over and life goes back to normal can’t they.
The memories stay with you though (and for your daughters) don’t they.
I hope you can think of something (even a small thing/s), that you can give yourself to look forward to.
I know it’s not always easy to arrange for lots of reasons but when we can - I love something quite simple, like brunch with my three grown up daughters. 😊 x
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Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Well done @sapphire turner having planned and executed the weekend away. It's good that it was great fun for you all. Despite the downer of coming back to "normal" life, I'm sure you'll feel some benefit.

I had a full day out last Friday - first full day out for several months (maybe this year) - son no.1 came for the day for the care of my OH. It was only a day, but a great treat nonetheless, and re-learning there is a world out there! (It's two years since I actually slept away from home.)

It's great that all your family rallied round for the care of your OH, the grandchildren etc. There is no substitute for a supportive family in the terrible circumstances we find ourselves in.

Best wishes

sapphire turner

Registered User
Jan 14, 2022
Well done @sapphire turner having planned and executed the weekend away. It's good that it was great fun for you all. Despite the downer of coming back to "normal" life, I'm sure you'll feel some benefit.

I had a full day out last Friday - first full day out for several months (maybe this year) - son no.1 came for the day for the care of my OH. It was only a day, but a great treat nonetheless, and re-learning there is a world out there! (It's two years since I actually slept away from home.)

It's great that all your family rallied round for the care of your OH, the grandchildren etc. There is no substitute for a supportive family in the terrible circumstances we find ourselves in.

Best wishes