Attendance allowance.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2009
Well today we got money paid into our bank account which is equivalent to the higher level of attendance allowance. I haven't had any paperwork from them but looks like it has been awarded and very quickly so my form filling skills must have worked. One more obstacle out of the way and to think I wasn't going to bother. Time for a celebratory drink after a very long day. We went to the Nantwich show today with my son and granddaughter. I said he would need to be up early as they were picking us up at 9am. So he got up at 5am. At least we weren't late. Early night for both of us.

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Tiller Girl

Registered User
May 14, 2012
That's very quick so your form filling must have been excellent ! It took a few weeks for my claim to come through and about 4 weeks for the CA to come through too.

It's not much but it helps with things that they might need etc.


Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
Well done angiebails :)
Must have been an impressive application!
You have inspired me as I've been putting off some form filling of my own.


Registered User
Mar 28, 2015
Well done Angiebails! Do apply for Council Tax Reduction and Carer's Allowance asap now and, once you've got CA, you might be able to get Income Support depending on savings etc (Income Support is means tested, CA is not).


Registered User
Mar 13, 2014
Angie, I assume your husband has been given a diagnosis? Just wondered if you're in touch with Social Services and if you've had a carers assessment? You may well be able to get them to provide some care for your husband while you have a break to do shopping etc. or just have a couple of hours to yourself. Given your situation you shouldn't have to pay for that. Worth a try.

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Registered User
Oct 8, 2009
My problem really isn't helped much by the money as he still at the stage where he doesn't want to be babysat so getting someone in from social services would just set off his aggressive behaviour. But I can use it too send him out to meet his friend as I can send him by taxi and his friend does know how to look after him, so they can have lunch together to give me a break without him realising. Now I shall put my claim in for carers allowance as I haven't paid any NI contributions since 2009, I tried various jobs on a casual basis like nights at sainsburys but it was just impossible to do both. It nearly killed me. The council tax form says I need it filling in by the doctor so not sure whether I need to take it to our appointment at he memory clinic but they have again cancelled it and put it back 6 weeks again.

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Registered User
May 21, 2014
Your GP can fill it in too. I managed to get the council tax reduction backdated to date of diagnosis more than three years earlier.

Bill Owen

Registered User
Feb 17, 2014
Care allowce

could anyone help me, my husband has dementia and is under the dementia clinic taking donepezil and resipiridol. He can dress himself and take general care of himself but cannot drive take his medication or cook. I generally do everything for his day to day living and do not leave him on his own for his own safety or the safety of the house as he has a tendency of leaving taps on or doing some sort of diy which he cannot do anymore. I would like to know if anyone has any experience of claiming attendance allowance for someone with dementia as i could then get the carers allowance and pay for someone to come in and stay with him or entertain him. I am finding it very difficult to entertain him 24/7 and i am restricted as i am nervous of taking him on holidays that he wants to do as he has such uncontrollable temper if he thinks things are not right or he has another hallucination.

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i look after my wife now give up work .look after her 7 day a week .i recive care allowance . Go on the the net you can fill in a form on the net .which is what i did . Its very easy to do


Registered User
Oct 8, 2009
I assume that I cannot back date my claim for council tax as they list the benefits you need to receive to get it and I have only just applied for the attendance allowance. But at least the 25% discount gives us an extra £45 per month. I am taking to the Thai to celebrate tonight, we will see how it goes as we haven't been out to eat for a while. Fingers crossed.

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Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
Your GP can fill it in too. I managed to get the council tax reduction backdated to date of diagnosis more than three years earlier.

Our council tax reduction was backdated .... 6 years! :D :D :D Over £2,000 was paid into our bank account in under a fortnight. Sweetie, if you don't ask, you don't get, and the worst they can say is "no".

Not so Rosy

Registered User
Nov 30, 2013
Dad just got £2,400 Council Tax refunded back for the last two years and £700 in water rates. Both authorities couldn't have been more helpful tbh.

Go for it.


Registered User
Oct 8, 2009
We only get a reduction of 25% but it is better than nothing and they say you have to be in receipt of certain benefits. I just claimed my attendance allowance. I assume all councils deal with it differently. What is this about water rates.

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Registered User
May 21, 2014
No, it's the same everywhere. If one person is exempted in a two person household, that's a 25% reduction (the same as if a single person was living somewhere). If a person who lives alone is excempted, that puts the reduction down to 0% as technically no one eligible for tax is living there now. And yes, claiming something like AA is a prerequisite. Some people get lovely refunds due to some serious backdating.

Contact your water board about their reduction schemes. We didn't qualify for one as not on the right benefits and apparently we don't use up enough water for another scheme so wouldn't have saved but it's always worth enquiring if your water use has increased due to a lot of extra laundry you have to do.

Not so Rosy

Registered User
Nov 30, 2013
Dad got his water rates refunded as he went into a care home in 2014 but I chose to keep all utilities connected as the house would be easier to sell. When I notified them of change of ownership they refunded all monies paid since he moved out.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2015
Council tax rebate plus

Get help from the Alzimers society, They got me carers allowance and a cut in the council tax.I was reluctant to claim but seeing how this government can throw money around. Well should have done it before


Registered User
Jul 27, 2013
Could someone tell me (or point me in right direction if there is info somewhere ) what benefits do you need to be claiming to get a reduction through any of these please.

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