Attendance allowance application


Registered User
Sep 30, 2019
A neighbour aged 86 has asked me about eligibility for attendance allowance and if I can help him to apply. The neighbours wife is from china and although has lived here several years her understanding and english language and reading of it is still a bit limited. I said I will look into this as he has asked me as both my dad and partner had been in receipt of this allowance but it was quite a long time ago that they were applied for and both have now passed away. I saw something online which mentions now about a GP having to fill in a form SR1 I cannot recall this form at all is it something new? His sight is poor and expected to deteriorate further, his wife does see to most of his care needs. He also has mobility issues and can sometimes have a fall. They apparently do already have a Blue Badge but I know this is not a criteria or connected in a application for AA. I am aware he would have to be successful in a application for the AA before looking into carer allowance should he want to pursue that as well.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Form SR1 is a form for a person with a terminal illness.

Best thing for him to do is to apply for the form by ringing 0800 731 0122 which will set the date of the claim, he could also print one off from but the claim will be from when the completed form is received by the DWP. He could practise on a downloaded copy.

Having got the form go to either CAB or AgeUK for help filling it in.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hello @Wildflowerlady
I didnt have to get this form filled when I applied for mum, so I googled it and discovered that it is intended for people who are considered to have less than 12 months to live so that their claims can be expediated.

Edit - I see that nitram has beaten me to it!!


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
@Wildflowerlady if his wife is in receipt of her pension then this will affect any claim for carers allowance.

If you get State Pension​

You cannot get the full amount of both Carer’s Allowance and your State Pension at the same time.

If your pension is £76.75 a week or more, you will not get a Carer’s Allowance payment.

If your pension is less than £76.75 a week, you’ll get a Carer’s Allowance payment to make up the difference.

The DWP will make home visits in exceptional circumstances, this is usually by referral from another agency, if they are eligible for this then they can get help that way to complete the form. Due to his falls risk and her language situation, they may be eligible.


Registered User
Sep 30, 2019
Thanks everyone tbh I had only had a quick look before popping out. The SR1 is not needed thanks for clarifying what it is used for. His wife is a little younger than me so I doubt she is receiving any pension regarding any claims they might wish to persue for carer allowance but will check.


Registered User
Sep 30, 2019
Form SR1 is a form for a person with a terminal illness.

Best thing for him to do is to apply for the form by ringing 0800 731 0122 which will set the date of the claim, he could also print one off from but the claim will be from when the completed form is received by the DWP. He could practise on a downloaded copy.

Having got the form go to either CAB or AgeUK for help filling it in.
👍 Thanks @nitram


Registered User
Sep 30, 2019
@Wildflowerlady if his wife is in receipt of her pension then this will affect any claim for carers allowance.

If you get State Pension​

You cannot get the full amount of both Carer’s Allowance and your State Pension at the same time.

If your pension is £76.75 a week or more, you will not get a Carer’s Allowance payment.

If your pension is less than £76.75 a week, you’ll get a Carer’s Allowance payment to make up the difference.

The DWP will make home visits in exceptional circumstances, this is usually by referral from another agency, if they are eligible for this then they can get help that way to complete the form. Due to his falls risk and her language situation, they may be eligible.
👍 thanks @SAP


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
she may not be eligible for carers allowance if she is not a british national so would need to check. my d-i-l is canadian and she cant claim family allowance for her son but my son can claim it.


Registered User
Sep 30, 2019
she may not be eligible for carers allowance if she is not a british national so would need to check. my d-i-l is canadian and she cant claim family allowance for her son but my son can claim it.
I did wonder @jennifer1967 not sure of much details other than they have been married a few years. He's kinda just started to ask me for some help saying his wife really doesn't understand paperwork in English well enough. I'll just try to help as best as I can. They both keep an 👁️ on me since losing my partner (check my curtains and blinds open) and do ask me to go visit as say they feel lonely. It does gets me out of the house for a bit of company and a cup of ☕ tea. I think his wife is glad to have my company she does give me smiles and can chat in a little bit of English. He definitely can be a bit difficult so visit helps her too. I just hope they don't become too reliant as I honestly still feel worn down with care of late dad and late partner.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
I did wonder @jennifer1967 not sure of much details other than they have been married a few years. He's kinda just started to ask me for some help saying his wife really doesn't understand paperwork in English well enough. I'll just try to help as best as I can. They both keep an 👁️ on me since losing my partner (check my curtains and blinds open) and do ask me to go visit as say they feel lonely. It does gets me out of the house for a bit of company and a cup of ☕ tea. I think his wife is glad to have my company she does give me smiles and can chat in a little bit of English. He definitely can be a bit difficult so visit helps her too. I just hope they don't become too reliant as I honestly still feel worn down with care of late dad and late partner.
it might be worth suggesting CAB or AgeUK even if they have to find an interpreter for her to be able to communicate freely. maybe even a representative from the chinese community.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Dear @Wildflowerlady,

I don't remember filling this form in for dad but is your neighbour giving care at night as well. If so they need to make this clear as they could be entitled to the higher rate.


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