Assessment done


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
So after a referral from the GP (scored 1/10) in July 23, Mum (91) got her memory clinic appointment. It took place at the care home - she has been there since January.
The lady repeated the GP test out of 10 and asked if I was surprised she scored 0. I wasn’t as given 1/10 nearly a year ago I wasn’t expecting a high score.
She said it wasn’t worth doing the more detailed tests.
The only other test she did was to ask how many animals Mum could name in a minute - which was 2 - although she did say horse several times, forgetting she had already said it!!
Is this enough to diagnose? She made a quiet comment to me that her condition wasn’t mild.
I was expecting more - I’m not sure what exactly!
She also asked my views on medication - I felt a bit under prepared and said I would be guided by the experts.
What in your vast experiences is likely to happen next please?


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
At 91 this does seem enough
Why put someone through MRIs etc ?

I think it won’t make a difference to the short term care plan is residential care is already happening?

It is natural human instinct to want as much info as possible, gives us a sense of being on top of things so I get the ‘is that it ?’ feeling


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Nothing will happen next, your mum is in a home already and I hope getting the right care for her needs. I know we all want the very best that is on offer for our loved ones so I can imagine feeling as you do right now.
About 18 months ago my mum, who was already diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, took a sudden dip in her cognition and the chances were that she had developed vascular dementia too. I could have pushed for a scan but frankly she was on no fit state for that kind of experience and the psychiatrist agreed with me. It’s on her care plan as mixed dementia , we don’t know for sure but we are fairly certain. So although there is nothing else anyone can do at least when the big sudden drops come we have a clue as to why. ( vascular progression versus Alzheimer’s progression)


Registered User
Jan 25, 2023
At 91 this does seem enough
Why put someone through MRIs etc ?

I think it won’t make a difference to the short term care plan is residential care is already happening?

It is natural human instinct to want as much info as possible, gives us a sense of being on top of things so I get the ‘is that it ?’ feeling
After a hospital delirium episode, I persuaded her into respite. That has become permanent. Any thoughts on medication? She is settled at the home, enjoys the company of others and seems happy most of the time. I am thinking - let it be and don’t bother as she is safe and happy. A lot has changed since her initial referral so I’m not as worried as when she lived at home - with no carers.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
I think your instincts are bang on
Too many meds in the very elderly can cause problems in itself.
If agitation or aggression was an issue then it would be different
Meds slow down progression over say a ten year period. Having reached 91 you have done well already