Are there such things as placebo tablets?


New member
Jun 23, 2024
My mum is given paracetamol as part of her medication three times a day by her carers. However, she has no memory of taking her medication and continuous seeks out more paracetamol. We don’t think she is actually experiencing pain but taking the tablets seems to give her comfort. As no medication kept in the house, she then goes out and buys painkilers which she then consumes with obvious concerns around overdosing.

Her carers feel that if she had acccess to a placebo pill which she could take this would remove the issue. I am sure we can’t be the only ones who have experienced this. Are such products available or at least an alternative looking tablet such as a vitamin supplement we could use.

Unfortunately I don’t think she would be fooled by something like sweets or TikTaks. It needs to look like a white tablet

Any guidance please.
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My Mum's Daughter

Registered User
Feb 8, 2020
I once travelled with a child that really suffered from travel sickness so on entering the bus, I gave him a "tablet" to hold with strict instructions that this "tablet" was only to be taken in an emergency.
On reaching the destination, this child went to hand this "tablet" back to which I replied "you might as well eat it then".
Child had a good sense of humour and belly laughed when he realised that he'd travelled grasping a Tic Tac.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
How about some good old fashioned Swizzels Fizzers and Parma Violet sweets tipped into an old plastic tablet bottle, relabelled Placebo Tablets, take one every 4 hours, no more than six a day...... The Parma Violets especially may generate childhood memories. (I think they taste foul!) This presumes Mum can have a little sugar.. Available in old fash sweet shops or via
There are always Tic Tacs and the like too


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I would do as @nitram suggests - but maybe also repackage some white tic tacs as well as they might work in a pill bottle.

I would also visit the local pharmacies and speak to the pharmacists. If aware of her situation they may well stop her buying the painkillers and divert her to a vitamin pill or something. If she’s buying from supermarkets that’s harder tho.

Probably also worth chatting to the GP. I’m sure they won’t have much practical help but would be good for them to be aware woth the potential overdose and drug mixing risk.


New member
Jun 25, 2024
You can get white vitamin c tablets, these are usually dispensed if placebo is prescribedl (Not the chewable or fizzy ones. )


Registered User
Aug 6, 2023
My mum is given paracetamol as part of her medication three times a day by her carers. However, she has no memory of taking her medication and continuous seeks out more paracetamol. We don’t think she is actually experiencing pain but taking the tablets seems to give her comfort. As no medication kept in the house, she then goes out and buys painkilers which she then consumes with obvious concerns around overdosing.

Her carers feel that if she had acccess to a placebo pill which she could take this would remove the issue. I am sure we can’t be the only ones who have experienced this. Are such products available or at least an alternative looking tablet such as a vitamin supplement we could use.

Unfortunately I don’t think she would be fooled by something like sweets or TikTaks. It needs to look like a white tablet

Any guidance please.
I’ve bought some on eBay. Just search for placebo. - recently I’ve gone over to purchasing the empty capsules and filling them with protein powder. A lot cheaper but immensely boring


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
I have a view on Aricept/Donepezil so I'll shut up, if you think it works then do it.
I used Smarties, come in whatever colour medication she thought she needed, don't make no difference to me, I'm colourblind.
Smarties (the sweets) cost pennies, she would help me out when I told her it was 2 blue ones and one red one, same with her medication, 2 of these and one of those.
Been a longtime now but it worked for me. K


Registered User
May 17, 2023
Newtownabbey. N.I.
My mum is given paracetamol as part of her medication three times a day by her carers. However, she has no memory of taking her medication and continuous seeks out more paracetamol. We don’t think she is actually experiencing pain but taking the tablets seems to give her comfort. As no medication kept in the house, she then goes out and buys painkilers which she then consumes with obvious concerns around overdosing.

Her carers feel that if she had acccess to a placebo pill which she could take this would remove the issue. I am sure we can’t be the only ones who have experienced this. Are such products available or at least an alternative looking tablet such as a vitamin supplement we could use.

Unfortunately I don’t think she would be fooled by something like sweets or TikTaks. It needs to look like a white tablet

Any guidance please.
My husband is in a nursing home and bed bound for over 3 years fixated on painkillers I sent away for placebo tablets and he thought they were great. Eventually 5 months later they are no good but that done the job for a while


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Just get smarties, the sweets (other sweets are available) look like tablets and taste nice too, cheapest placebos you can get. K


Registered User
Dec 29, 2021
My mum is given paracetamol as part of her medication three times a day by her carers. However, she has no memory of taking her medication and continuous seeks out more paracetamol. We don’t think she is actually experiencing pain but taking the tablets seems to give her comfort. As no medication kept in the house, she then goes out and buys painkilers which she then consumes with obvious concerns around overdosing.

Her carers feel that if she had acccess to a placebo pill which she could take this would remove the issue. I am sure we can’t be the only ones who have experienced this. Are such products available or at least an alternative looking tablet such as a vitamin supplement we could use.

Unfortunately I don’t think she would be fooled by something like sweets or TikTaks. It needs to look like a white tablet

Any guidance please.
why are the carers giving your mum Paracetamol three time a day, should only be given as pain relief, if she is not in pain she should not be given it. Paracetamol or any over the counter medication is called Pro re nata (PRN). What are the carers saying to your mum when giving her Paracetamol. Are the carers recording the dosage of paracetamol and the time given as should only be taken every 4 to 6 hours and not more than four doses in 24 hours. Therefore, if the carers give your mum Paracetamol at 9.00am, 15.00pm 21.00pm then there is no need for any placebo. If your mum is living on her own, I assume she has capacity therefore the use of placebos would need to be a best interest decision and best to discuss with doctor.