Are Feeding Tubes a Good Alternative for Dementia Patients


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
To be honest I found that the article asked the question and didn't provide a definitive answer. Essentially it said: it depends on your personal beliefs and where you are hospitalized. I'm not saying that personal beliefs shouldn't come into it, but I didn't see anything that indicated that a feeding tube was helpful (or for that matter not helpful) when it comes to a person with dementia. It didn't address the other problems with a feeding tube such as does it actually work an/or will a person with dementia try to pull it out.

I hope this research didn't cost a great deal of money although I fear it did. As reported their final result was: there should be improved decision-making in the use of feeding tubes for hospitalized nursing home residents with advanced dementia.

I think it's right that people should be informed as to whether or not a feeding tube might be used but I would have liked to see more substantive research about whether a feeding tube is effective, which is rather different.

Thanks for posting the link though.

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