April/May 2024 book group: free copy to review of Dementia: Everything Your Doctor Doesn't Have Time to Tell You

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New member
Mar 9, 2023
My wife was diagnosed 7.years ago and I should like to see a copy and give feedback. thank you.


New member
Jan 26, 2024
I would love me to read this book. My husband has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and I am desperately trying to maintain his dignity & self esteem as he fights to keep his independence.

August Ducks

New member
Aug 2, 2020
Hi I’d be interested in reviewing the book. My mum was diagnosed with FTD at the start of 2020. She lives in a care home now because of her high care needs,



Registered User
Jul 19, 2023
I would be very interested in reviewing this book, would prefer a paperback, but if not, pdf is fine

For information ( when I was young!!) I used to review books for a journal and also a publisher
( medical/scientific books) so would be happy to have a go at this one.
My husband asks lots of questions about his Alzheimer's and it would be good to know if this book answers them


New member
Jun 26, 2023
Yes I would love to read this, my mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s last May and think it would help me understand her condition more


Registered User
Nov 8, 2021
I have emailed for a copy which will hopefully deepen my understanding and I'll be happy to review. While my OH recently died. I would like to know more about this dreadful disease on order to be of support to others who are caring for a loved one.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2014
It would be brilliant to get a copy of the book, I volunteer in a day centre re dementia since 2019 and am always looking for more information. Thanking you in advance. Bob.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2023
Hi, this book sounds intriguing and I would be very interested in reading a copy. I would need a paperback, due to eyesight issues.
Thanks !

Patsy and Perky

New member
Oct 25, 2020
I would like to read and review the book. There are unanswered questions.
Not such new members any longer, even if Perky does not often comment.


Registered User
May 25, 2020
Review a free copy of Dementia: Everything Your Doctor Doesn't Have Time to Tell You by Matt Piccaver

Dementia together magazine’s book group will be reading Dementia: Everything Your Doctor Doesn’t Have Time to Tell You, by Matt Piccaver. Written by a busy GP, this aims to fills the gaps so often left when someone gets a diagnosis.

Are you interested in reading this book and telling them what you think of it?

Are you in the UK, Republic of Ireland, Isle of Man or Channel Islands?

They have PDFs of the book for up to four people to review, or they might be able to send you a paperback if you prefer. They’ll ask for your feedback about it by 4 March. You can comment on any aspects you like, but they’ll also provide prompts in case these are helpful. They’ll then draw on your comments in the April/May magazine’s 'book group' article.

Email magazine@alzheimers.org.uk or post below to express your interest and to find out more.

Thanks everyone :)

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Yes please , I would like to read this book and review it . Thank you


New member
Feb 11, 2018
Yes please I would love to read this book. PDF copy is fine. My retired GP husband of 86 was diagnosed 8 yrs ago. I am a retired nurse and I certainly had no idea of the impact of this terrible disease. He is non verbal which makes it even harder. I am now his voice and when he was recently hospitalised with urine retention I asked if I could go in more frequently than the usual visiting hours but was told it was too busy at those non visiting hours. He has outbursts of shouting and each one has a different meaning which I understand.
This book is a great idea.
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