Appointment at memory clinic


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Hello everyone,
My O.H and I had a review appointment at the memory clinic this morning.
I had sent the community nurse a letter detailing how I thought my O H had deteriorated in the last 12 months and suggesting a possible change in medication . I did this as my O.H would accusing me of compiling a ‘ blame list’ if I spoke out in front of him.
He said he needed the toilet and whilst there the nurse said we could have a chat, we did and she said the doctor might consider adding to his existing medication, a tablet beginning with M ( sorry didn’t catch what it was ). Husband returned, nurse was chatting to him and he was so pleasant… beggers belief! Yes, he said, I’m fine, no problems, sleeping about 7 hours a night ( more like 3 ), walking every day and jogging a couple of hundred yards………more like sitting on the settee! My letter was describing a totally different person, I am now concerned that she will think I am making a mountain out of a mole hill!
We stopped off for a coffee afterwards and saw his sister, who I invited her to join us. The change in my husband was like Jekyll and Hyde, bye Mr Nice Guy. He doesn’t have a lot of time for his sister and the atmosphere was very frosty. I ended up making excuses ( time up in the car park ) and leaving but I so wanted a short time of ‘ normal social ‘ interaction.
Fingers crossed, I tried.

Jake's Nan

Registered User
Aug 12, 2021
I think the medication would be Memantine. Seems to be standard issue for Alzheimers. Sounds like you had a stressful day and yes you did try. Keep going.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I also think that the medication is probably Memantine which is often prescribed where PWDs show challenging behaviour. Hopefully it will help your husband. Because it has been prescribed I would guess that you were believed.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Not being aware of your own symptoms and believing that nothing has changed is in itself a symptom of dementia and most memory clinic staff are well aware of this. That is why the nurse wanted to talk to you on your own to find out what is actually happening.

I too think that the medication he has been prescribed is probably Memantine and it shows that you were believed.


Registered User
Aug 22, 2022
Thank you to all who responded.
At yesterday’s memory clinic the psychiatric nurse asks me to ask our surgery to send the ECG result that my O.H had done a few days ago.
I am just back ( with my O.H ) from a face to face appointment with the surgery‘s clinical associate……not impressed. She just wanted to talk about the result of his stool sample results, fair enough. But when I asked that the ECG results could be forwarded she said A she couldn’t discuss the results with me and I would need to make another appointment and B the surgery hadn’t requested the ECG! Twice she repeated it and I told her that A I don’t need to see the report, it was the memory clinic that were asking for it as they were thinking of changing his medication and B it was the nurse at the surgery that requested the ECG!
I then told her that O.H ‘s iron levels were raised and we were going to the Heptology Dept next week. She looked surprised at that, checked and said the iron levels looked fine. I told her that the appointment was the result of a referral letter from the surgery. She then asked if he had Irish heritage, I just looked at her and said can you see his surname? Yes, he is Irish with a very Irish surname!
It was good to hear that most of the results were fine but like I said, felt the clinician left a lot to be desired!
Now we wait and see if he gets the change of medication to Memantine, I hope so.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Hello everyone,
My O.H and I had a review appointment at the memory clinic this morning.
I had sent the community nurse a letter detailing how I thought my O H had deteriorated in the last 12 months and suggesting a possible change in medication . I did this as my O.H would accusing me of compiling a ‘ blame list’ if I spoke out in front of him.
He said he needed the toilet and whilst there the nurse said we could have a chat, we did and she said the doctor might consider adding to his existing medication, a tablet beginning with M ( sorry didn’t catch what it was ). Husband returned, nurse was chatting to him and he was so pleasant… beggers belief! Yes, he said, I’m fine, no problems, sleeping about 7 hours a night ( more like 3 ), walking every day and jogging a couple of hundred yards………more like sitting on the settee! My letter was describing a totally different person, I am now concerned that she will think I am making a mountain out of a mole hill!
We stopped off for a coffee afterwards and saw his sister, who I invited her to join us. The change in my husband was like Jekyll and Hyde, bye Mr Nice Guy. He doesn’t have a lot of time for his sister and the atmosphere was very frosty. I ended up making excuses ( time up in the car park ) and leaving but I so wanted a short time of ‘ normal social ‘ interaction.
Fingers crossed, I tried.
I'm sure you would have been believed. They nurse would have known that dementia sufferers exaggerate or don't remember what they have said or done. You could always give her a ring.