Any suggestions !!


Registered User
Dec 21, 2023
I have written here a few times, and am very upset how my sister is being allowed to treat Mt parents.I have contacted social services and my mums pallative nurse, the family Gp, to no avail.I took my dad for xray today and he tells me, my sister is arguing with my mum in the night, when my mum is awake and agitated,my mum plays with her duvet and my sister takes it of her and puts it back and it goes on n on, my sister will ask my mum why can't she go to sleep, what's wrong with you, waking my mum and dad early in morning, washing my mum and it takes my sister over a hour, and then gives mum breakfast,weetabix and prunes, every day.Then mum sleeps and my sister wakes her for meds and something else to eat and a drink.I feel im wasting my time with the professionals, I and the Dr has safeguarded my sister with both parents,concerning medication, controlling, coercing, manipulating and verbally abusing my mum and dad, and nothing.The social worker on my mums case is leaving and not passing it over, the Gp doesn't even come out to my mum every 30 days, she video calls, the pallative nurse doesn't feel she needs to come out ,although my mum is pallative, her needs aren't great enough for visits.I just feel there leaving my sister to do as she wants.I cannot talk to my sister as she has throw abuse at me and is very bitter, hatred for me,and if I do say things, she turns nasty to my dad,and he is with my mum alone for the afternoon and evenings.Any advice on what I can do, it's cruel to allow this abuse to go on.there must be something can be done Kim

Monday’s child

Registered User
Aug 24, 2022
Hello, I will most probably not be much help but I wanted to get your dilemma back onto the recent forums so you may possibly get more advice. If I was in your situation obviously worried and frustrated I would continue to badger everyone. Call social services again your mum is vulnerable and your dad also by the sounds of things, write an email with all your concerns to the Gp again, there are helplines you can call which I am sure someone will be along to share the details so you can get more advice. Keep on until you get somewhere is all I can suggest and I hope you make some progress.


Registered User
Nov 13, 2023
would it be possible to get a recording camera into your parents house without your sister's knowledge? Good luck x


Registered User
Dec 21, 2023
We was thinking of doing that, but my sister is so paranoid of me, suspicious, that she is on guard.